Nuke The Whales

Because of the domino effect started by someone who played in Toronto last season

This reminds me of Conan vamping during the 2007 writer’s strike, when he would, like, see how long he could spin his wedding ring on his desk and stuff (I actually really loved those episodes).

I don’t watch his show, mostly because I don’t have cable and don’t have access to TBS, but I’m a faithful listener to the podcast and I can say that it’s fantastic and Sona is a goddamned treasure.

It really shows how great he is at improvising. The story about Matt Gorley having to leave work early because he was going sketching in the park with his mom inspired some seriously incredible shit. So good.

it’s called Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend. You can find it on anywhere like apple podcast.
It’s so good.


I love Sona. She’s hilarious on the podcast, and is the perfect straight woman for Conan. She’s like Stephanie/Smitty on Letterman, except without all the secret sex stuff.

I think it has worked out tremendously for him.

I’m not sure how you can say that a show that’s been running for nine years “isn’t really working out.”

Conan’s doing OK. If downsizing the show has left more time for his foreign trips and the podcast, which I really love, then it’s great. 

he is doing very well and is popular overseas...basically the show and funds were restructured to allow for more Conan without borders episodes per year, clueless gamer becoming it’s own digital entity, etc.

I’ve never seen anything blown up so fast in Oklahoma City.
-Mayor David Holt

The greatest stunt the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist. And like that - poof - he’s gone!

What happens first: Russ and Harden have to be separated on the bench mid-game, or Mike D’Antoni gets fired for an “unexpected slow start?”

Hydra turns all of me into stone IF YOU CATCH MY MEANING

This is also the correct ranking of Mythical Creatures I Would Fuck

What color was her skin? Asking for a racist.

Mermaids are real. Saw one while i was at the beach a few years back, she was out about 50 yards into the water, frantically waving her hands at me, non-verbal creatures, so I imagine this is how they say “hello” and then she just went under the water and I never saw her again.