
Beautifully explained, thank you. I shouldn’t feel any twinge of satisfaction when a woman figures something like that out firsthand. Even if I don’t like her politics. I do forget what I know sometimes:( I loved my women’s studies classes because of great writing like this. This is why I filter my news through

These are not transcendent and the puffy crop top makes me mad and the boots do too. No no no now I'm pouting.

I love the wide leg ones! I am going to now get some and copy you. I had some in the 90's and I loved them. I can't wait. Ignore the haters, overalls are transcendent and I thank you for the reminder.

I read an old book recently called The Gate to Women’s Country and people have issues with the author and I get that but...I think you'd like it.

I listened to Serial with my Pakistani friend and she and I both thought Adnan was guilty, me because I was a psych grad student and she because she said the border region his family was from is the most violent toward women and he’d never have stood for being broken up with like that. Strangling is very, very

This photo reminds me of John Oliver’s standup when he said whenever he's in a room with all white people he looks around and thinks whaaaat are we UP to? Can't be good.

Yeah that part to me was the most cringe-inducing part of the entire article. Exoticizing his race Heart of Darkness style. Someone throw a pie at this woman.

My husband does that when he plays his video games and has dropped some pounds. I'm proud of him. Yes this would be a good idea...maybe I'll try it tomorrow;)

This eyeshadow makes her look cross eyed. That's all I have to say about it.

Unfortunately my guilty pleasure is reading sites like Lifehacker;) seriously though, I waste a lot of time reading articles online and I don't know what else I could be doing productive while I'm doing that.

The Low Glycemic Load Diet plus Pilates and little hand weights while I do squats has fixed my skinny fat. I never thought it could be fixed. Giving up the starches was hard at first but it’s not a low carb diet per se, very low starch. I also don’t have the belly bloat I used to or hypoglycemia. I wish I’d known this

It could also just smell terrible because perfume is terrible and an imposition on others.

<sigh> If he had been I love him. He's too good for us though.

This reminds me of all the musicians cancelling gigs and tech companies boycotting NC. The backward hicks who support HB2 don’t GAF! And Trump supporters aren’t readers. This is what makes me ashamed to be a liberal. We are just so ineffectual and yet so self-congratulatory.

I keep reading the vitamin B suggestion for mosquito repellant but how ‘bout that new study about vitamin B supplements and autism? That's a fun choice! This is the year we talked about starting trying. As a mosquito magnet, I just don't feel positive at all.

I would do this makeup except I did it in high school (shiseido shadow duo, burgundy YSL mascara) and all day people kept asking me why I was crying. I still think it looked great;) but if you have to explain your makeup to people it’s less fun.

Yaaaaaaay amazing book, I've been hoping for a movie!

I just keep cringing at the label name Kemosabe.

Because I watched Revenge, I can picture the scene exactly as it happened. It is straight out of an episode, so I imagine she knew exactly how to handle herself. What a badass. I'm glad she's okay!!!

It is. Sarandon came off extremely rich-white-lady-out-of-touch when she said the thing about Trump bringing about the revolution but <hangs head> I’ve totally had that thought—then promptly felt bad about it because that kind of thinking is not only wildly unrealistic (see another commenter who mentioned Americans’