
It means, Cam, that if you open a history book, you’ll see it wasn’t long ago that companies hired police and goon squads to violently attack striking workers in order to break strikes. Google “Strikebreaking history in the United States”

We’re not that far removed from companies using cops to bust up unions, I wouldn’t put anything past them today.

Me too, surprised that is. But in a good way. I find it refreshing that we’re not sugar coating things anymore.

Of course it’s not as simple, I’m sure the paper from Western goes into those details. You’re chasing perfection when we need progress.

capitalists gotta capitalize.

oooh that’s a deep cut. in more ways than one.

You know that just because it calls itself something, doesn’t mean that’s what it is right? North Korea is properly called the Democratic Peoples Republic, but it ain’t democratic.

MIPS (and similar rotational impact linings) are slowly becoming a thing in Motorcycling. I specifically bought a MIPS helmet when I replaced my old one, and likely won’t ever buy a non-MIPS; I hope the selection is better next time.

I feel exactly the same way!

As a two-kid haver, I will admit that they carry a whole lot of crap, and when they’re young there’s just so. much. stuff.

CRiMEs are EVERyWHere! We NEEDMore PolicE!!! (just don’t ask to see the statistics...)

I wouldn’t say it calls into question democracy, I think it illustrates that democracy is incredibly fragile and the most important safeguards are a robust education system and limits on the kinds of advertising that companies can make/use/produce.

Propaganda works; TV and advertising work. Why do you think people are so up in arms about the gender binary and trans folks? Because they’ve been fed shovelfuls of bullshit propaganda and advertising for decades.

Yeah, I read that too and it’s complete bullshit that the union would withdraw protection like that.

I was in a similar predicament when I started riding. I bought an F650GS as my first bike, thinking the same thing - fire roads, easy to learn, light (ish).

Does any other carmaker have this concern? This is just Toyota propagandizing because they are so far behind the 8 ball, and it’s clearly working based on the comments.

It’s 100% a delay tactic. Greenwashing, if you will.

I check auto trader weekly in my whole province (Ontario) and there are none.

My buyout is $17 and change, market price for it is $30 and change so I’ll buy it out and see what’s available. Might just keep it.

10/10 can confirm. My Rav4 Hybrid lease is up in 3 weeks, won’t be getting another Toyota because they have no viable EV options...