
The hero we need, not the hero we deserve.

Source for that graph? (legit want to know, not being sarcastic)

This is bifurcation - either or arguments are for 5 year olds (and people who think like 5 year olds).

1st gear:

Been there, done that with a B5.5 nope nope nope no way I’m triggered this is why I drive a Toyota now.

Au contraire mon ami:

DING DING DING we have a wiener.

My around-the-corner neighbour has an original near mint ‘81 Katana 1000, it’s sweet.

If I’m not mistaken the Jaberwock is the one who’s slain at the end, so there’s really no excuse for you NOT to buy it Bradley.

That would be Brad. BRAD!!!!

Can’t star this enough.

But if we don’t get angry assuming they’re ridiculous and petty, what are going to get angry about!?!?!?

This right here is the thing of it for the whole world right now.

Godspeed my internet-friend. Hope all is well!

I love that this is the truth of the matter, but so many comments are about how “Jalopnik has gone downhill” or “ask a good question” hur der derp

My bike just got stolen over the weekend so fuck everythiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg!!!!!!!

Feeling particularly nihilistic today so fuck it, NP.

Gotta love their commitment to the free market!

My god this is the best response to a conspiracy theorist. Bravo!

Does black folks being killed by police at a higher rate mean the force is racist and trained to shoot black people?