
Doesn’t Rimac also licence a bunch of tech to other companies? I vaguely remember reading that somewhere, and it’s a good chunk of change.

Climate change is fact.

Are you new to capitalism or something? That’s all any company gives a shit about.

Facts have an inherently liberal bias.

Fears of batteries needing replacements are way overblown. Most EV’s have huge warranties on their batteries, and BMS on modern EV’s ensures a long life.

strictly speaking, bi-partisan support could just mean support from both sides, not necessarily a majority.

This comment is so on the mark...


I’m defending people who feel insulted/hurt by words; this could be anyone, because all humans have feelings and are valid. Not an addict no.

It’s just... meh. ND.

Yeah this. They don’t have to go crazy full hybrid (tho that would be cool), just the IMG crankshaft thing like the T.50 to start and go from there.

What’s that guys name... you know, he made a car a while back that was pretty good. He just released a new one the other day... the guy with the mustache. Not Ned Flanders...

Denying that people feel it’s a racial problem is denying their feelings. You can’t tell people how they should feel.

If you look at a crack pipe and automatically assume anything about it but the fact that it is a piece of drug paraphernalia, then that’s YOUR problem.

Because life is binary! We can only have EITHER free market capitalism OR horrible soviet-style communism.

The cheap cars are gone because they don’t make as much money for corporations, that’s just how capitalism works.

Define Political:

Exactly! It was time to replace those tires last year.

Nope - some PHEVs/Hybrids eat rotors because they’re barely used. Since regenerative braking does ~90% of braking, the rotors just rust through lack of use.

This is to everyone on this thread: