
@dusteruk: Quite right - I got a 360 a couple of years before my PS3, which is used as a media portal and to play my BluRays. Games? Nah, I'd already invested in 360 controllers, and I see no need to spend a couple of hundred more on extra PS3 stuff when 360 games are just as good as PS3. Yes, I'd download more movies

@grapenutster: True, but Rosalind Franklin did not work out the structure of the DNA from her work, Watson and Crick did - I give them all equal credit!

@robot-shmobot: You're forgetting sliced bread. And the wheel.......

@FartyMcPooPants: I share the same memories, having owned an Arc. It was waaaay ahead of it's time. ARM still has a few tricks up it's sleeve (I'm hoping their development work into asynchronous ARM chips is brought to production reality), and I wouldn't want to bet against them long term. Intel are quite an

This may explain the large amount of hate to my @taliban twitter account....

@Nick Page: I use that too - but it was worse than useless during the World Cup when matches were on. I won't be switching to the internet for my TV until events like this work over it!

Two words about these seats:

Corbomite maneuver FTW!

@oliverkuo126002: Gravity is actually a weak force, compared to say, electromagnetic force. It is easy to overcome gravity if the bang is big enough, - a relatively small rocket (compared to the sun or earth) can escape the solar system's gravity, for example. It is the other forces that are dictating accelerating

@JGab: Well, given all the evidence out there, it is obvious that the universe IS NOT constant - it is expanding at an accelerating rate, and plenty of evidence of a "big bang" exists - so the Universe started very small and "fiery", and will likely end very large, cold and dark. And who said there was nothing before

@robot-shmobot: It's the giant pen below-left of the tablet that freaks me out!

@DJKGinHD: I say "Hid-me"..... ;-)

@bookmark: That's just a 3D game update, I think. I couldn't care less about 3D movies at home anyway......

@blyan: I think you need to keep calm and read my post again. It was phrased as a question, "next, a better phone?" I am no fanboi of any kind, (you, however, appear to be the "Greater Spotted Fruit Fanboi" if I'm not mistaken. Do correct me if I'm wrong. I am human and it can happen!) And I do not appreciate the

@blyan: Did you know Samsung has sold a million of these in not much greater time than the iPhone 4 took to sell a million? I'd be worried if I was S. Jobs - first, a clone, then a better phone? I have neither phone btw......

@AGoldenLife: "iPhone Beige. Because Good Looks Never Last. Available when we've left our white ones in the stock room for several months."