Damn, and I thought he was using my patented AssCam design.....
1 in 400,000 error rate? Do me a favour! I am a Pharmacist and a technophile, but there is no way the error rate will be that low. Why? Who loads the machine with the medicines? More robots? Nope, humans, and where there's humans there's mistakes! Our wholesaler uses robotics to pick and pack our orders to our…
Wow! The cursor has been around since 21 A.D.! Did Jesus use a mouse?
Surely, mostly humanshit? Unless the bulls are well trained, of course....
I think they're just being bipolar......
"Life is like a box of chocolates"
"I'm sure he'll use Elvis as his human shield when he steps out of the cave"
5 1/4"? What sort of random future-speak is this? I'll never need more than my trusty 8" floppies, good sir......
"Lasers." Just measure them with frickin' "lasers!"
"God" (as in the Tsunami, completely non-influenced by man) killed over 20,000 people in Japan. In a few minutes. The nuclear incident? None yet, and it won't even get close to that figure. Over many years. No, I've no wish to be like "God".......
Oh Mr Pope you are amazing aren't you? If you sit down and think about it (difficult for many "blind faithers", that) God (if he/she/it exists) is absolutely the worst job. Ever. You already know everything, so what's to learn? You can already do anything, so what's the point? Boring! No, as I scientist I can…
News just in... all new iOS devices will ship with an all new concept - amazing cards that can expand the memory capacity to many times it's original size. These all-new iThought cards will enable you to take your iTunes collection anywhere, anytime at "minimal" cost! Magical!
I'm hoping they've found the Hardon particle. Too much Hardon radiation may kill you, but boy you'll have fun before you expire!
Ah, The Hunt for Red October. A damn fine film!
It's a TLA - Three Letter Acronym. Splitting hairs over the definition is dull but worthy I suppose.......
Some parallels perhaps, but currently pale ones, and most certainly NOT unequivocal. The author of the New Scientist article doesn't appear to understand basic mathematical concepts. She claims that radioactive iodine and caesium emissions for the Japanese site are about 60-75% of Chernobyl, but the figures quoted in…
That's a great argument for the TV companies to change their outdated ways, not to charge us TWICE for the same content!
Dear innocent consumer.