Baseball rivalries are the lamest, fakest rivalries.
Baseball rivalries are the lamest, fakest rivalries.
Ronaldo was like, "You guys, it wasn't me, what are you getting excited about?"
[Starting at specific time doesn't seem to work; go to 25:29]
Only in America can the opinions of someone as stupid as this guy matter.
What are you not getting about this? It is NOT a good thing because they have no credibility. That was the point of my analogy.
You know what really irks me about you guys? That you cherry-pick when to apply intuition and common sense. I'm sure you don't need to be told this, but the answer is CREDIBILITY. It's like saying that the fact that Assad murdered hundreds of thousands of people doesn't mean he shouldn't condemn, say, the terrorist…
I'm confused. Did those guys only just hear about this offensive name? Not that I'm accusing them of trying to cash in on this for some publicity or anything...
Yeah, that sure looked innocent.
Couldn't be that different from Deadspin's G__ks Don't Get Redskins Joke.
If that.
You'll be waiting a while. Now that the FCC has killed net neutrality, all complaints travel on the slow lines.
Maximum trollage points.
Equally, you can always acquit yourself of any guilt by simply taking such a stand. The difference is you could have made a real change, but you chose not to, and now someone else is suffering, and you can sleep at night AND you claim the moral high ground. The clincher? The opposing logic is fallacious! How perfect…
I admit my tone was less than amicable, but I get mad when people respond with rubbish like "Look at this idiot he thinks Brazilians are white LOL!".
Workers have been dying (under your watchful eye) long before the World Cup. What did you do about it?
I'm not sure what your point is. I've already stated my own, but I will reiterate: FIFA has always been corrupt. Its bidding procedure has always been corrupt. Everyone knew the rules and played by them. There is nothing more corrupt about Qatar than any other nation. They just paid the price for being the new kids on…
Sure, but that's only because you just so badly want to talk about something you know nothing about. You can go away too.
Honestly, I find it offensive that these issues have had light shed upon them only when they inconvenienced the white man. These have been the de-facto rules of the bidding game for a very long time, yet they become a problem only when Qatar wins the bid?