Residue Pi

I'm not sure what your point is. I've already stated my own, but I will reiterate: FIFA has always been corrupt. Its bidding procedure has always been corrupt. Everyone knew the rules and played by them. There is nothing more corrupt about Qatar than any other nation. They just paid the price for being the new kids on

Sure, but that's only because you just so badly want to talk about something you know nothing about. You can go away too.


Honestly, I find it offensive that these issues have had light shed upon them only when they inconvenienced the white man. These have been the de-facto rules of the bidding game for a very long time, yet they become a problem only when Qatar wins the bid?

featuring insta-literature

Everyone's rolling their eyes really hard at you right now, and that's not counting the Fenerbahce fans who are beating the crap out of their kids because they can't get their hands on you.

At least he falls of his own accord.

Why? Forceful contact to the head happens on almost every play in American football, but maybe once or twice, if at all, in an entire game in rugby. There's no reason we should expect to find many cases.

There have been zero suicides and VERY few cases of CTE attributed to rugby. Let's not make a big deal out of this. Rugby and American football are not even in the same sphere in that regard.

Will someone shoot that punk Greg Amsinger in the face already? WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING IDIOT? God...

Only on the condition that FIFA is the organiser, just to make sure that by the time all the ethnic dancing is over and the draw actually starts, you've lost 90% of your vieweship.

Why are we still listening to this guy like he's some kind of intellectual?

That's not the point. Why does he feel the need to highlight a 'negative' (according to him) aspect of Durant's character when he's by all accounts maybe the nicest and most admirable sporting figure on earth, while simultaneously going to insane lengths to defend the contemptible Puig? What kind of person does that?

Maybe you should call yourself Circulararguments.

Why is it difficult to believe that people who still write letters to advice columns don't know how to use the internet?

Kevin Durant's I'm-the-consummate-teammate routine can be annoying in its own way, but it's nice to be reminded that not everyone has to be sociopath modeled after Michael Jordan in order to be a great basketball player.

Buy-out? Doesn't seem like much.

This is ABSOLUTELY INSANE! On the plus side, the Celtics should pounce now.

Rovell considers snitching on fellow inmates who have illegally procured cigarettes a risk worth taking.

Darren Rovell spends his summers in Italy giving pizzerias detailed point-by-point feedback on their pizza.