Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Her boyfriend being married is not a reflection on Lala. It is only a reflection on the boyfriend himself, so her view of Jax’s cheating only reflecting on Jax is consistent.

It’s not a woman’s job, either the wife or the side piece to ensure a man stays faithful in his marriage. That responsibility is his alone.

Hahahaha mine too - it takes us like 90 minutes to watch an episode because we pause to talk about how ridiculous they all are :)

That scene this week was reality TV gold. To Lisa: “I’ve literally done nothing wrong.” In talking head interview: “I stole the recording.” And his imitation of Brittany was hilarious. I’m enjoying him this season!

you inspired me to make this and it was very difficult bc realistically 99% of the cast is chaotic evil

So you take an episode from a show that in a decent world should not exist, featuring a person who should by all rights be spurned, and feature a moment that makes her seem absolutely charming and may even get me to watch the show? What are you, some kind of pop culture writer?

I endorse volunteering as well. Depending on your local opportunities and inclination, you can pick and choose the amount of interaction you have with the public or other people at all! I’m about to head to my volunteer job, cleaning big outdoor flight cages and putting out food and water at a wildlife rescue. I do it

That is just beautiful. I have tears in my eyes now.

This might sound insincere but when I lost my dog and best friend as a kid I refused to let anyone see me cry for weeks and pretended it was something in my eye. I finally sat down on the step in the garage alone and talked with her and imagined her eating a treat and listening to and watching me. That was somewhere

Your husband has a paraphilic disorder:

I am so sorry that this happened to you. I have no advice- just wanted to validate what you’re feeling. How violating. Yikes indeed.

Having a job is great in a lot of ways - it gives your life structure and helps you feel productive. Have you considered volunteering? It can help you feel good about yourself and will give your resume a boost, too.

This sounds like sexual, compulsive behavior. The problem is that his compulsion involves victimizing someone else, in this case, you. This isn’t say, getting an erection while looking at someone’s feet, this is getting an erection ( I assume) from taking secret pictures of women’s genitalia while they’re on a toilet.

Just a head’s up that couples counselling is actually not recommended in cases of abuse, as abusers are very clever manipulators and will often turn the therapist against the victim and use them to further abuse them. Especially where gaslighting has occurred, couples counselling is not a good idea.

I didn’t learn this skill until 27, when my therapist taught me to do this. I’m out of the work force voluntarily at this point, but I still read captain awkward and, because they both have really awesome, neutral but assertive scripts for so many situations. Reading the archives of those two sites

Good for you. This must be so tough. I can’t even imagine. You seem like you have a great handle on the situation, which I can’t even fathom if I were in your position.

That’s so not OK! I think couples counseling is in order here. It’s such a weird violation. Not that being into pee is weird, but recording you with his phone under the door without your consent is weird. This is like . . . major trust shattering problem. I even wanted to post a gif that showed my shock but this

Oh and follow up comment, good for you for leaving, I’m sure that took so much bravery. Please don’t listen to people that tell you it’s no big deal, because body autonomy, privacy, boundaries and respect are huge deals.

Here so hopefully people will see it.

Oh, I am. He is staying at a hotel since it happened— it is over. I just wanted to opinions on this because WTFFFFF. We have a child together.

Oh HELL no. At first I was like “hey, it’s obvious the guy really likes you- how sweet!” but once you said Tump supporter......