Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Honey, I am sorry. I lost the love of my dog life less than 20 years ago now, and the pain of it still stings a bit. At the time, I was desolate with grief. The only things I did that helped were to make sure he had a painless death, and to bury his body in the yard, on our property. It at least made me feel that

Nice!!! No more shitty high-stress jobs, we don’t need them!

Woot! It’s here! So I know it’s colder everwhere than Florida but we’re cranky down here too. I put on nine layers to let my cats out on the porch and was rewarded with this great picture of Dexter my giant floof cat.

So hard. It’s grieving like you would for any loved one. Takes tears and time. So, remember him and all the time you did have and the day will come that the memories don’t bring tears but smiles. I’ve lost a few buddies over many years and it rips your heart out every damn time. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Hurrah! Hope something less exhausting comes your way!

It’s natural to feel bad\guilty when your fuzzhead is hurt or sick. You love them and they love you back tenfold. But they do get sick, especially when they’re older. Like anything else, you can second-guess yourself till you go insane. You can’t fix everything, especially with a 13 y.o. dog. Just love her and care

My GSD is titled in Mondioring, dock diving, rally obedience, lure coursing and now we’re planning to revert to IPO (schutzhund) My Labrador is likewise titled in dock diving, rally obedience, and she has a working certificate in field trailing/hunt test.

Holy crap, gang, I did *something* at work on Tuesday that accidentally broke a database so spectacularly that no one believes I could have done it. Or at least I coincidentally just happened to see the screens stating it was happening when it was happening. The tech people insist that it was something you had to

My husband and I got a puppy! She’s a basset hound, and is three months old. We are working on housebreaking her, and it is sooooo hard. She’s taken to the crate pretty quickly, but I feel like I’m cleaning up puppy pee constantly. This is why I hate carpet in apartments. Any tips? Here’s a picture of my sweet little

Today is the 10 year anniversary of my intended death. I acknowledged my family’s pain but had nothing left to give so I swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and had flashes of being tucked into a gurney (it felt so tight and safe) pulling tubes out of my arm and nurses yelling, and then waking up in a mental

No booze for moi tonight (I’m crying inside), just club soda, because of pain medicine. From the boob job I had this week, on my birthday, as a birthday gift to myself! Yay! I’m finally reclaiming my birthday. I sort of stopped celebrating it a while back for a number of reasons, including giving myself the option to

I recently moved to a new city and I’ve been spending most of my free time settling in to my apartment, shopping for stuff for the apartment, or watching TV on the couch with the dog. Going out just hasn’t been a priority. So I made the decision today that I would head to a local dive bar and have dinner there. I

Earlier this week I got the results back from a food sensitivity test. I got the test for Christmas and it is one of these take-at-home tests. I suspected that it would tell me one or two foods that I know I have issues with, but. . .

Jezzies who’ve had an abdominal hysterectomy-share your wisdom with me! I’m scheduled to get my uterus and cervix removed on the 16th (two large and one very large fibroid, and since I’ve never wanted kids, my doctor and I decided this was the best solution for me). I’m excited to be rid of my horrible symptoms, and

Ahh, you’re one of us. You can hit the blunt.

-Half oz bud, ground.

I use marijuana to self medicate, and have been for the last year. It’s made a noticeable difference in my mental health. I have fewer panic attacks, I’m able to leave the house on bad days (sometimes), it keeps my hypomania manageable and it keeps my depression from crushing me. However, that shit gets expensive and

Because I have an IQ greater than the sum of my fingers and toes (and honest to gosh not because I fantasize about killing anyone). I’ve already thought of 3-6 better ways to execute this plan.

Makes me glad I’m the kind of person that catches mice in my apartment and releases them in the attached barn, knowing they’ll

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

Transcribed a whole mess of recipes to Word so they can be printed out on 3x5 cards and be more legible than my dodgy printing. The neck and eye strain was worth it.