Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

I agree—one thing I enjoy about getting up there is just not caring about so much shit. I remember as a tween being practically suicidal over my hair and other such matters and now I’m like, feh, you don’t like you don’t have to look at me.

I love it! And I am jealous because I have wanted an aluminum tree since I was a little kid and then was mortified to find out that my parents got rid of an apparently mint-condition one from the early 70s (they retired it before I was born so I didn’t know it existed) because “who would want that, it’s so dated?” Me!

Since you asked...pls see our Christmas pineapple who is VERY cool and does not do autographs.

I agree that your kid will not die without christmas and probably will be a better person for it.

I married a 1st generation American. His family (mom especially) kept it all “alive” as part of their day to day lives as well as on holidays.

Mine probably doesn’t matter. My husband, son, and I moved from US to NZ.

Good for you for enforcing boundaries! I always struggle with going against the tide, but I have usually found the one uncomfortable “I won’t be able to come/I can’t loan you any money/I hope you aren’t saying that because you think I agree with you” to be awful, but the results have always taken away so much stress

“It was very convenient for us because it’s not a common language so we could always speak secretly in public (almost as if we were speaking in code).”

I’m the daughter of an immigrant, who grew up in the 80s and my mom thought it would be more important for me to be fully assimilated and did not learn the language and it’s one of my biggest life regrets, though it wasn’t really anyone’s fault really, she did what she thought was best.

My mom is a Finnish citizen and I’m a dual Finnish-US citizen. She got me interested in Finnish stuff through children’s books, songs, and recipes when I was young. I always liked helping her make pulla bread for Yule and stuff like that. Now I always make pulla in my own house. Telling stories about the people

I’m the grandchild of immigrants. Ireland and Romania. The extent of my knowledge is minimal, there was no passing of language, no stories or pics from “the old country.” Nothing. I wish I had even vague stories. Keep your culture with you. Your food, your traditions. Incorporate them and don’t be rigid about cultural

Every year I wish Christmas was less of a three ring circus. When I was little and we were just a nuclear family of four it was more fun to eat whatever we wanted, stay up late and watch great movies non-stop together. It was a guaranteed week of peace and quiet between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day. Now I see my

If you are a Star Wars fan, you could do what we do. Sithmas! We dress Darth Vader up in lights and sit him on a counter. We were both raised with Christmas by nonreligious people and trees are a PITA. I can’t with the Christian symbolism (however misguided it may be) but I love me some Star Wars. I believe you can

A frighteningly massive dildo positioned upright in the middle of the floor when he comes out of the bathroom. Then pretend it isn’t there, like you can’t even see it.

Holy Crap! You’re a weight loss genius! Continue not to give a shit about your best friends and I turned 50 this year and we went to a huge music festival to celebrate. Man, what a great time. The good thing about getting older is that you can give yourself permission to cut off any thing or any person that

Congrats on the weight loss! I know how hard that is to accomplish, at my heaviest I was 220 lbs, 17 years later I’m 125 lbs.

Jumping in to share my Grinchy attitude.

Happy holiday everyone that reads this.

At first I wasn’t convinced it was her, so I legit was asking in good faith the first time. Her meandering irrelevant response and a scroll through her profile was enough to convince me. Her accusing me of hating women (aka “internalized misogyny”, a phrase she threw at Short a couple of times) was further evidence.