Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Does roast garlic confer the same properties? ‘Cause I loooove that stuff.

My black Lab mix has this weird ritual whereby when my husband gets home from work he goes on high alert, finds a rawhide chip or bone, whatever’s near him, and presents it to him. I’ve told the dog more than once that my husband didn’t actually shoot the rawhide and there’s no use pretending he swam into a lake to

That is the sweetest thing. I love how dogs want to show you they love you by showing you their favorite things. It’s so pure.

It is! I’m taking comfort in the fact that my country legalised gay marriage this week (FINALLY), and my pupperinos.

Get a navy blue cat

You aren’t under any obligation to see them. Before moving overseas, i constrained seeing them to nuder 3 hrs and we alternated our turf with theirs. And, I would only do max of 5 visits/yr. So. You know. Yeah. I didn’t make excuses, other than that I was ‘busy.’

QuiQue had his first photo with Santa and didn’t claw his beard off. He even knew how to pose - notice the bromance paw.

Been a bit of an up-and-down week, though happily more up. Wish I had more to say, but mostly I just wanted to check in with you folks.

Jezzies, can anyone recommend some wonderful active plus size women to follow online?


I don’t think you’re under any obligation to see them. They seem to be miserable people, who cares if they don’t like you for it?

As a huge live music fan, I wanted Kid Animal’s first concert to be special. Of course, he wanted his first concert to be Taylor Swift. I worked my butt off on that ticket program she had and I am thrilled to say: Kid Animal and I are seeing Taylor Swift for his first concert!!

I’d just suggest getting out there and taking photos. Get to know your camera and have fun. I tried reading sessions online, etc. But what has helped the most is just practice. It’s more fun too!

I have multiple people in my world with anxiety problems that would border on severe (they are prevented from doing things they want in life because of the crushing anxiety). Their therapy (that I have attended with them, at times, as a show of support) involved lots of “grounding”. Which essentially means that you

I feel really terrible about saying any of this, but jesus fucking christ I just can’t anymore: I really dislike my husband’s family. They’re basically stupid white trash and I hate every second I have to spend time with them. Everything they talk about makes me cringe and uncomfortable, each parent has had like, 6

Eff that guy! Thai food will never ghost you. Mmm.

So cute! And great to read the improvements!

Jezebellians: What do you do when your heart is deeply and profoundly broken? I thought I had found my person, that we had found each other, but it just didn’t work and now I’m just trying to process all of the conflicting thoughts, emotions and memories and having a bit of a hard time.

There is a cat in my park that meows at my door. I get all happy thinking that I might get to pet the cat. I open the door and it runs away. I fall for it EVERY time.