Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Yeah it reminds me of the Handmaid’s Tale skit they did last year. Every time I recall it it makes me laugh-sigh.

This^^ I keep hearing people snark about the *hotel room* meetings as though those women should have figured out there were sinister motives behind that. A more accurate description of these hotel “rooms” would be that they agreed to meet in a centrally located building with suites that have more rooms than the

You can’t sympathize with women who were sexually assaulted by a large man with immeasurable power in their industry. That’s...that’s something to work on right there.

I honestly have to assume you’re a man because I don’t know a single woman who assumes they’re always safe. Quite the opposite.

This. I’m not “making excuses” for having been raped, because I did nothing that needs to be excused. It doesn’t matter if someone got drunk and then was raped. It doesn’t matter if someone wore a short skirt and then was raped. It doesn’t matter if someone met a guy in a hotel room and then was raped. None of those

So a woman assuming she is safe is being coddled?!?!? Are you on the fucking pipe????

expecting not to be assaulted when you are alone with another human being is being “coddled”? what kind of perverse thinking is this? i don’t have to words to express how appalled i am at your comments.

Yeah, you’ll receive flack for saying this. Risk management is a real thing and criminals will exist but the real issue here is the pervasiveness with which these predators have been allowed to operate both because they have the power and because no one stopped them. For instance, you obviously wouldn’t go into a war

advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down.

What Pam said/wrote reminds me off all the people talk about rape in comments of Jezebel or other sites. They all say that women should learn how to protect themselves. I think that talking about protection makes sense to some degree but now isn’t really the time for it. Right now victims are sharing their stories and

Or, maybe, the way she gets through every day is by telling herself that those past assaults happened because she did X,Y,Z and as long as she never makes those mistakes again she’ll be OK.

However, it doesn’t mean that women can simply expect to be coddled by taking the assumptive that they’re always safe.

I absolutely see the logic in your reasoning and think you’re spot on about what’s going on in her head. But shit, when do we start demanding that people who lack imagination live outside of their own experiences? You’ve done about a thousand times more mental work than Pam has just in this comment, but she’s given a

Maybe this is what she has to tell herself every day to function. She’s wrong, but I don’t know how I’d cope with what she’s been through.

Sure, perhaps they should have known better. Perhaps it was naive for any of these women to go into Weinstein’s hotel room expecting to be treated professionally and respectfully there. But then what? Just give up, leave their careers, and go home? Part of the problem is what Weinstein did to those women in his hotel

Pamela Anderson’s is obviously a bad take (and I can’t for the life of me understand her lionization of Assange) but, and this might be an unpopular opinion, I’m way more willing to forgive this kind of thing from women who have themselves been victims of sexual violence than anyone else. When I was assaulted I

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

SoonYi was not his step daughter. He never adopted her and he never married Mia Farrow.

Well, no one is going to see whatever this movie is anyway. When was the last time a Woody Allen film was in the top 10 (or 20 for that matter)? His artsy-fartsy films just don’t attract mainstream attention anymore. I tried watch Mighty Aphrodite a year or so after it’s release and I couldn’t figure out what the heck