Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Ugh they’re forcing you to work Thanksgiving? That’s terrible. I guess I was lucky, I worked some big chains but mostly mom and pop stores and they closed holidays. People truly are awful, and the ones shopping the most are the least civil to employees. The rudeness was a thousand times worse when their kids were

I come from a big Italian family that’s hard a lot of deaths throughout my life...the guilt is SO real, even before I moved across the country (my bro and I are the only ones in the family who live more than 100 miles from their parents). I hate the holidays, I hate Christmas, I can’t wait until the new year so it’s

I like your idea. I’m Catholic and don’t like all the $$$$$ that is now associated with the holiday. And, what about folks who don’t want to celebrate for whatever reason? I love the idea of a Day of Giving, but that’s Thanksgiving. I feel like kids DO deserve a day that’s all about them, but why must it cause such

Right. It’s other people celebrating that bothers me and not being bombarded through every form of media (television, radio, film, Internet), politics, propaganda, ornamentation, and full consumerist orgydom for two months of every year. That elevates one group above every other.

Since you’re so good at solutions, please tell me how to avoid Consumerist Christmas.

That’s so beautiful; thank you for that magical take — I love it all.

I grew up Catholic, am now a staunch atheist and I don’t mind Christmas. The carols, the family time, the Aussie summer and all the seafood. Also, the hidden gem of having Christmas in summer is that all of your outdoor lights can be solar-powered.

Just do as my wife and i do...absolutely nothing for Christmas...then travel in January when its super cheap and everyone else is broke.

the gift giving is what gets me. i’m a grown adult, i don’t want gifts. my friends are grown adults with full time jobs, don’t expect gifts from me.

Gah! I saw them this month at Thanksgiving! I see them several times throughout the year! Not seeing them on one specific day is not going to ruin our relationship!

No. Cancel standard time. :)

I don’t know how we do it, either. Home Alone 2 really nailed the whole “Christmas in Florida” thing.

For some of us, Christmas is depressing in and of itself; the financial outlay can be a strain (and if we cannot, then, guilt-inducing); memories are not always positive; the build-up to it is enormous (whenever Christmas is, are we to have two months of carols, programs and commercialism leading up to it? It started

You’re wrong about a lot of things, but you’re not wrong about the tight scheduling of Thanksgiving and Christmas. When Canada annexes the smoking remains of the US one day, you’ll all realize how much better it is to have Thanksgiving in October. You’ll see.

As a Texas person, I could probably get on board with this. It was freaking 73 degrees last night when I was walking my dogs. Christmas lights and balmy weather piss me off. I don’t know how people in Florida do it.

Liberal White Ladies have been filling up my timeline with their opinions on Meghan Markle being referred to as “mixed race” on their news. I poked my nose in to say, as a person of color, I am thrilled y’all are getting a not white princess (yes, I know she isn’t going to be an official princess).

I think they’ll invite the Obamas for sure. They’re friends!

Meghan - we need you to to retain voting rights.

My 5 year old was asking the other day about her mom’s skin being darker than her dad’s. After unpacking her concerns we sourced that a great deal of her bias stems from the mainstream Disney princesses. It is so lovely to see the pride on her face that there is going to be a REAL princess who is like her.

dude we’re paying for their security and shit. JUST GIVE US A GODDAMN HOLIDAY!