Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

I’m sure mine is bullshit and probably means fried rice. I don’t even care. Because it was a stupid tramp stamp, I never have to look at it. But if I turn up dead on one of those Investigation Discovery shows, they can use it to identify me and make fun of me!

Tell your sister and her husband there are entire cultures who don’t use gendered personal pronouns. Iranians are just one example. I’m going to guess telling your brother-in-law that Middle Easterners are more forward-thinking than he is will probably send him into a mild coronary. Of course, if he weren’t already

Your post made me cry. I’m nb trans... afab... haven’t and probably won’t medically transition. I’m closeted everywhere except on Reddit and here, because I know I wouldn’t be able to deal with people ridiculing my pronouns or my gender. My mother can’t even stop snarking about me being vegetarian, so I can’t imagine

Three years ago, I was sleeping in an unheated store front after my roommate kicked me out via Facebook. And I had no job, so no money to find a proper place. When I tried to stay with a friend for a few weeks until a live-in nanny position opened up, she was so terrible to me that I left her place went back to the

Thank you. Losing the house sucks. It was built by my great grandfather and it was just so comfortable. But it went to two nice ladies who fell in love with it. I know it won’t be rented out and trashed by some meth heads. (In this area, that’s a thing)

It was definitely made with a vision in mind and isn’t a strict historical drama, although there are a lot of historically accurate elements in the film.

I am working so hard to take this seriously, because I probably hate squirrels more than your dad, but this is serious. You dad’s doctor is a loser who should be dumped. I know that this specialty is in short supply, but your dad needs to see a geriatrician, an MD who specializes in the treatment of ailments that

I’m having an “I’m old” crisis. I’m nearing 40, so it’s not quarter life or mid-life.

She does and always has- except for the fact that she is pregnant and is running out of things that she can actually do at her job. He should be off of his ass and working rather than taking idiotic side jobs here and there because he thinks he is too good to heft a shovel or flip a burger.

Man, I hate it when the theater is in a overgrown field full of weeds. Hay fever is a bitch.

Tonight I made a Thanksgiving leftover casserole that was so wrong but so good. Layer of wild rice/sourdough stuffing on the bottom, with balsamic Brussels sprouts and chopped turkey next, drizzled with gravy and topped with mashed potatoes. At least it cleared out some space in the fridge.

Have you ever talked to a therapist about your anxiety? Any idea what it stems from?

I’m in the process of starting fertility treatments (first appointment is Thursday holy shit!!!!!) and I’d start with a consult at a reproductive endocrinologist/fertility clinic. Many times an initial consult is free and can talk you through options- including financial considerations (will insurance cover meds,

Omg people I’m struggling as usual with dating. I realized today that it’s not so much a lack of confidence, it’s ANXIETY. I stress the fuck out whenever I start talking to a guy...not at the beginning, in the beginning I’m cool girl. A month in, and I’m timing his text responses. I’m anxious in every aspect of my

med student here - answers in order:

Ok so I’m realizing this must be more of a local speech pattern from my part of the world than I thought. Usually I “translate” anything I’m saying to be more American friendly. Never dawned on me this was one of those times.

I think you’re write the wording had me laughing, I thought she meant “I’m 14 yrs old too” but it came out different, I was thinking where can a person legally buy beer at 14? I would have begged my parents to go there at that age.

Right?! It kinda hit especially close to home because my girlfriend is black. Our families have been awesome. And I expected weird looks from white folks (and believe me, I got them). But we got it from all sides, which I hadn’t been expecting. It sucks that in 2017 we all have a ways to come.

I’m a lapsed Catholic so the “signs from heaven” thing always gives me the eyeballs, but several years ago at a concert, it came close. We were doing several choral pieces for Christmas, including the Magnificat, when some guy from the cathedral’s homeless shelter wandered into the church, looking for a seat. The

“I did a lot of terrible things as a Terrible Teen, but I protected my friends and they protected me. I’d like to think that wouldn’t have changed whether or not they or I were famous.”