Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Clap for her because the boy was a pigrone and he didn’t last much longer after that.

In my family we keep the crazy at bay but a couple of distant members have gone to the dark side. We all love each other and see each other a lot at family reunions. At the last one a little girl (I can’t describe our relationship; a step-niece married her father and she came with?) came up to me and we got chatting.

Just hire this guy.

How is that even.. Oh, it wasn’t completely thawed was it?

Updates! Please give updates. We need a Thanksgivings Day Social here for this very thing, but if that doesn’t happen I will be checking back here.

He must be insane. It’s well known that mom can ALWAYS whoop your ass, no matter her age or condition.

Real pros know to microwave the turkey!

I used to have the best Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter/Whatever holidays when I was a kid. My extended family was just the best. Then, my family moved (I was a kid so I had to move with them), my grandparents died, and now I get to know what it’s like for all the rest of the people who fucking hate seeing relatives

In some families, trying to opt out of holiday gatherings just creates an even bigger shit show.

No, we do family reunions for that, every year. Holidays are stressful enough. We’re self segregating.

“No I’m not apologizing to your boyfriend! He is a pigrone and he showed up to Nona’s empty handed like a maron!”

I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year. I’m Asatru (Neo-Norse pagan, not the racist ones) My hubby’s family is some flavor of fairly tolerant Christian. but it will be interesting to see their reaction when I dedicate the feast to Odin.

I have been vegetarian for 12 years now and I swear to god I will die a fucking vegetarian so please back off?

The kid is 13. We told them that their shit made her uncomfortable. Their response was that we’re raising a godless child and they felt it was their duty to “correct” that. Our daughter didn’t tell us about this stuff for years because she thought we’d get mad at her. Instead, we feel terrible that she had to spend so

It isn’t that people necessarily show up with the intent of lobbing grenades, but when you’ve got grievances that have festered for years between people who don’t see each other often, add in a lot of alcohol, it’s often hard to resist the opportunity to have it out.

Similar situation in my family, except the Golden Child cousin was recently discovered to have stolen $200,000 from his mother’s reverse mortgage, all of which is now gone and he declared bankruptcy earlier this year. It’s going to be a very interesting dinner tomorrow.

My family doesn’t suck, so our Thanksgiving will be nice. Though I have to drive an hour after the thing because I don’t trust my father-in-law not to kill my daughter with his “Isn’t it fun to go 10mph under the speed limit and casually drift between lanes on the interstate” driving. So I don’t get to drink.

So, last Thanksgiving we went to my mom’s house for the first time.

Jeez, these seem overly complicated, with my family someone just has to point out that the turkey is a little dry.

Typical. Airing of grievances is the favourite event of all pansies who can’t win feats of strength. I blame your mother for letting you play with dolls as a child.