Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

I will never understand why people are so down on Tom Nook, who just sells you a house with a no-interest mortgage you can pay whenever you get around to it and with no down payment the minute you move into town and need somewhere to live. He even gives you a tent to live in while the house is being built.

Eh I don’t have an issue with anything you described. As you point out, waiting is the name of the game in any version of AC, and the games are designed specifically to be played in small chunks every day: talk to some animals, do a few chores, do a few bell-earning activities, and then do it all again tomorrow. That

That doesn’t sound too terrible for an Animal Crossing-lite. If Nintendo holds to their whole “use mobile games as commercials for people to play the main series” like they’ve done with Pokemon Go/Fire Emblem/Mario Run, I’m more than happy to have this appetizer in wait for the inevitable Switch one.


“Everybody gets a tesseract!”

My mom, siblings, nieces, etc. all live in another country. I know it is hard to stop using social media when your family lives away but I have done it successfully for almost 2 years now. But it costs me half of my Saturday. I made a point to call my mom, sister, brothers and nieces every Saturday and talk to them

My city has been consumed with the outing of a serial rapist who owned a major whiskey bar and apparently used it as his personal hunting ground. He’s up to 17 accusers now and has completely ghosted - some people are saying he may have left the country. But the thing is, everyone knew. As a woman, I was repeatedly

I never liked Lena Dunham, before her overt racism became obvious her narcissism and privilege turned me off. She’s horrible. I think decent human being should sever ties with her. She throws herself into the middle of social issues, pretending to be an ally, when in fact she does it for attention only. That’s clear

Ban-hammer falling in 3… 2… 1…

I think that a lot of people are a lower level of racist (not actively identifying as racist, but with some distinct prejudice existing) and just don’t realize it, probably haven’t actually had to seriously examine their core beliefs.

A lot of those women saw themselves in lena and can’t grasp that they might be racist as fuck as well.

“I am troubled by the allegations about [my friend]. This is not the kind of behavior I would expect from him, and I am not aware of any behavior in his past that would indicate this is part of a pattern. I can only hope that it is not true, but if it is, he should come forward and accept responsibility.”

No one wants to believe that the men they love are capable of these things. And yet nearly every woman has experienced these things.... my grandfather was a good man. A respected man. A loved man. He was also the man who molested me. You can love the men in your life while still understanding that they are fallible

Are you a high profile writer, showrunner and publisher who centers her work on feminist claims and recently tweeted about women not lying about rape?

You don’t have to automatically believe it, but you have to earnestly consider the possibility and ask yourself some hard questions about what your friend is capabale of. People are complex in the best and the worst ways. Take a look at Sarah Silverman’s response to Louis C.K.

I can only speak for myself. I would not publicly support anyone accused of a crime until I had all the facts. Loved ones lie.

As other commenters have suggested, I think it’s the fact that she provided commentary on a situation that doesn’t involve her that’s the problem. Especially considering that she appears to be on the side of “let the legal process that’s already in motion do it’s thing,” then girl, let the legal process that’s already

But I am not sure how she was supposed to react to this if she thought her friend was a good person who couldn’t possibly do this.

You don’t have to believe it, but you can issue a more nuanced public statement. As in “We are deeply disturbed to hear about y. I consider x a friend, and my experience with him has led me to believe that he would not act in this way, but I also believe it is important to listen to people when they come forward, and