Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

That is a seriously lovely idea, thank you.

I think we get that instead of Easter as a paid holiday, since they knew no one would come in after thanksgiving anyway.

Hi, love. I have been where you are (in the most serious, determined sense) twice. Suicide literally seemed like the only place I could be free from pain or a devastated future. I managed to keep breathing.

Do better. Actively. Speak up about crap he sees and hears. This does more than any other thing.

I think I know how you feel. It feels good to have a plan, after the long depression of suicidal ideation. It’s relieving to feel like you can make your situation stop. I get that. The way you feel right now is not normal. Your brain is lying to you.

My actual favorite holiday is the day after Thanksgiving: All hail Pie For Breakfast Day!

I agree with your therapist. Why go? What would be the worst thing that could happen if you just didn’t attend?

I have a friend who’s been suicidal for years. I am so glad she shared her feelings and experience with me, because it’s hard to be so vulnerable with another person and I treasure her and welcome the intimacy. But I am always afraid I will get news that she has killed herself. I have several gifts from her around my

See, there’s something in your initial post that I find fascinating and instructive: your trigger warning for suicide.

Awwww hand pie.

I am happy you are feeling temporary relief from what I assume is a heavy load on your heart, and I am sad that you feel this is your only solution.

I won’t give you advice, as you didn’t ask for any, but I will tell you that I know for sure that there is someone who thinks you’re amazing and that the sun shines out

My good: I had a really great therapy session this week, where I realized that a lot of my negative thought patterns and sense of isolation are because I still have healing to do from my childhood (my stepmother was emotionally abusive). I thought I had put it behind me when I stopped visiting my father or speaking to

Also a tangentially related quote from another article I was just reading:

Ask his women friends, his mom, his female co-workers, his sisters how he can step up and show support for them. In a sense, find ways to make his own personal reparations in his own social real estate.

It’s amazing how much you can learn when you ask a member of a group to which you do not belong how you can support

My husband and I aren’t 100% aligned on politics, but I have certain non-negotiables that I would not be able to compromise with a partner on.

b) actively work to educate/challenge/call out men

if he sees another man doing something horrible stick up for the victim.

I’m glad you’re starting to feel better!

Nursing school sucks. That is all.

Hi guys, read this all the time, but first ever time commenting.