Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

So . . . church shootings are a good thing. Makes complete sense.

Faith does not fix or negate the very real impact of continued gun violence. Using feelings instead of facts in the face of these type of tragedies IS dangerous. Thoughts and prayers aren’t cutting it, and this type of rhetoric on a news channel is ludicrous, and an example of why the rest of the 1st world looks upon

Exactly... they make shit up as they go along, depending on who’s in power and how much money they need and how ignorant they need to keep the parishioners at any given time.

This was an early Drew Carey standup bit. What’s the Pope afraid of? What’s the worst that can happen, he gets shot, and goes to Heaven? Man, if the Pope scared of dying, what chance do the rest of us have?

I can easily prove you wrong in that I never get tired of looking at boobs.

ah shit, is that not what those big metallic donation bins are for?

What’s a 17 month old baby going to do for eternity in heaven?

One of the best images I’ve ever seen addressing this issue.

It’s like when someone dies of cancer and then their family says he “won the battle” because he is now in heaven. Really? Life would be a heck of a lot easier for christians if they all “won”.

By that logic, if you kill someone in a church, you’re basically doing then a favor.

I had an appointment to see my doctor literally two days after the election. When I sat down with her I confessed I really wasn’t doing very well because of Trump’s win and was terrified I was going to lose my health insurance (I’m disabled so on Medicare). She said she was worried for her patients and many of them

Because he decided to go to a CHURCH that was 30 miles away from where he lived and happened to be where his wife and in laws practiced their faith, and kill 26 people - including elderly people and children. Kinda think that mentally healthy people don’t walk in to a place of worship, or any public place, with the

This time last year I was considering the tapering of my meds.

Problem is, there’s nothing to stop the man from taking the gun and use it against his wife and kids. Several years ago, a gun-toting soccer mom—she literally carried her gun to games—was shot dead by her husband.

Mental illness is the convenient excuse for all the white male mass shooters.

I’m inclined to give the mental health claim as a general thing some leeway. What I’m not willing to allow is claiming mental health issues while NOT SUPPORTING MENTAL HEALTH EFFORTS.

Sorry.. sorry.. ... you must have been facetious. I’ve seen too many people speaking exactly like that.. but they are being honest.

Raise your hand if you feel your mental health has been affected by Donald Trump personally?

I’m just gonna leave this here...

It’s not a guns situation, though. He was mentally ill so he could have just as easily used throwing stars, a pick-em-up truck, or illegal immigrants to kill all those people. It’s just that an AR-15 was easier to pick up than a library card. A mere coincidence, surely.