Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Yes, every time I try to star something, it TAKES AWAY A STAR. Am I being haunted??

Not scary, but still…

My mom ran off the ghost that haunted my room for years. She didn’t die to do it though. I had night terrors constantly as a little kid. We lived in this old camp that my parents made into a house. I had the only original bedroom. Every night I’d wake up screaming. I still remember at one point being so afraid of this

I was sleeping a few months ago when BOOM! I woke up out of nowhere. I’m talking zero to red alert instantly. My eyes just flew open. I lay there, confused, because I woke up thinking What do you want, it’s late! As I lay there I felt someone staring at my back. I thought it was my husband coming to bed and that he’d

When I came to this thread (late) I got:

I’m sure this will be buried, and it’s not terribly frightening, but it involves supernatural phenomenons/phenomena/whatever:

Flagged for spam.

A bakery I worked at had just gotten a new client, and to keep up with demand we’d had to add an overnight shift to prep stuff for the early shifts when they came in. As the manager, I worked the first few weeks of the shift myself (alone) so that I could train whoever we hired later to do it.

THAT IS HORRIBLE. I’m so sorry that that happened and so glad that you were ok.

A few years ago I was alone in my apartment one evening, my roommate worked nights, and normally I loved nights he was out because I love having the whole place to myself. It was probably around 8:30pm or so when my dog decided he needed to go outside. My building has a little dog area on the roof, so I grabbed my

I’m going to post a second story. I saw my dad.

Ah, have I got one for you - at some point before my father died he said “Look for the pennies - that’s me saying hi”. My brother was crazy about it - every penny he saw was a sign from my Dad. Mom died a few years after Dad - wasn’t the best mom in the world and we had some unresolved stuff. Anyhoo, I’m moving out of

GAH. This is my actual nightmare. Not as bad at all, but one night when I was like, 20 and driving home alone from a movie, this guy followed me flashing his high beams for miles. I was taking a weird country road home, so it was really unlikely he happened to be going that way. He was incessant. Never beeped, but

I’m 22 years old - my stepfather (who I liked) has just died, and I’m estranged from the rest of my abusive family. I drop out of college and move to the seacoast of Maine, renting a room in a beautiful Victorian house overlooking a harbor. The owner of the house is a single woman, a scientist, who had just adopted

So when I was around 6 years old I slept with this old, mustard yellow blanket. And every night I would have a dream about a monster that would creep into my room, stop at the end of my bed, and eat the blanket. In the morning the blanket was gone, when I got home from school the blanket was back. This went on for

Not scary, but very sweet and probably nothing. 2005 my ex bf dies suddenly of a massive heart attack. He was an eccentric artist who loved to dance on his family’s graves and scatter pennies everywhere. After his funeral, we do the same for him. A few months later, I’m getting ready to take a shower and throw my

I just remembered another one, not supernatural (I don’t think) but still freaks me out.

Now playing

When I stay up late playing computer games, I usually turn out all the lights except for the little light above the stove in the kitchen. My computer is in the next room and with the monitor this gives me enough light to see if I need to get up.

This true story happened to me when I was about twenty.

I was working as a security guard after I got out of college because of the crap job market. I was living in the attic apartment of a house that had been turned into one and two-room apartments (with communal bathrooms). I got home at about 1:30 a.m. after my