Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Some of the most fashionable women in the world are Iranian.

Nice to see the comments already filling with people who don’t actually know anything about the Middle East, Middle Eastern women beyond the headlines or western publishing for that matter and their benevolently racist trash.

“conflicted with the values which underpin our readers” - there’s so much in here, and yet so little.

I’ve read somewhere that it’s actually the people who seemed to “have it together” who are often the most successful suicides—people don’t see the warning signs and get them help. My uncle took his own life last summer and it was the same sort of situation; no one saw it coming—he had a successful career and had a

I am no longer a practicing attorney (was for around 4 years), but reminder that attorneys have the highest rate of alcoholism of any profession. I had major issues in my fourth year and wound of leaving the profession because I was in this position. Not saying she had this issue in any way, just that it’s not

I had a case once, was told it was murder-suicide. Got to the scene and I thought no way in hell this was a suicide. No details but suicide involved a knife and a fatal wound to an unlikely place. Sure enough though ME ruled it suicide. I didn’t get much of the investigation ahead of time so I have no idea why the

You didn’t know Muslims were not Jewish?

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

 I don’t believe it’s a suicide. She was a successful black Muslim woman in a position of authority. That will poss off both racists and sexists.

hot taek: i dig kylie. yeah she’s probably a vain idiot with terrible taste in men but i like her style and think she’s beautiful and MAY I REMIND YOU ALL that plastic surgery is totally a choice that a woman can make.

This is because she’s literally grown up in front of the camera. In some cultures they believe that if somebody takes your picture, the camera steals a piece of your soul that you can never get back.

The second part of that lemonade stand story In The New Yorker is kind of revealing, too, but in a different way:

They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.”

How sure is anyone that this is real?

I hope she rehabilitates as well as possible.

Clearly the monkeys had been including her as some part of the unit, or they wouldn’t have been so upset at her removal. I know you can’t leave a child in the forest to live with monkeys, but a juvenile center somehow seems like it may be worse, or at least, with less connection.

So HPV is a family of viruses, which contains (so far) around 200 identified members which cause different types of warts, including common and plantar warts. Included in this family is a host of sexually transmitted HPV strains which cause genital warts, but of these strains of genital HPV, there are vast differences

I’m a long time nerd, and like Confused Nerd, I think I specialized myself out of a relationship with a non-gamer were I in to that sort of thing (which as it turns out, I am not).

It’s not just about exposure. The recommended age is 11-12 because that’s when the immune system has the best response to the vaccine. The FDA recently approved a two-dose schedule for kids age 9-14, but older teens still need three doses because the immune response isn’t a good.

To my knowledge, most of the cancer-related strains don’t cause warts - they’re entirely symptomless. (Source: I had three of the cancer-related strains at one point. They have, fortunately, passed out of my system without causing cancer.)