Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)
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They HAD a classic ad. They had the soft drink ad of the New Millennium!

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Honey, if you have to explain it, it’s a bad ad.

Black people use it because we came up with it and white people have overused it as per fucking usual.

Someone was clearly at a retreat! We’ll call him Ron Roper.

And I like how they almost literally showed her getting “woke” ... pulling the wig off and her eyes suddenly opening wide. They should have just flashed the words “WOKE” on the screen.

Global? I bet this will play great in France, Russia, and China.

Why the fuck did you think that “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing” would work for you, Pepsi?

Coke is going to come out with a glorious ad come July 4th or something to counter this and make Pepsi look like even bigger amateurs.

“wow. Ok. So, we were trying to capitalize on the fact that protesting is like big right now. Because we are a huge company, and capitalizing on stuff is like, what we *do*. I don’t know what you guys are so upset about. I mean, peace! Love! Caramel colored sugar water! We are showing off a bunch of hot hotties who

Don’t conflate their lack of public denouement with silence.

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They were obviously trying to re-create the classic “Buy the World a Coke” ad, which we all know was envisioned by Don Draper in 1971.

Translation: “We’re just trying to sell more soda. So we co-opted “wokeness” and an available Kardashian and threw them into a blender that puked out this ad. Wouldja just please buy more of our shit? K thanks.”

“This is a global ad that reflects people from different walks of life coming together in a spirit of harmony, and we think that’s an important message to convey.”

“We didn’t want to offend anybody by passionately backing a reasonable and just cause, we just wanted to pretend to be a bit like that to sell more pop”

Now now...

I have not watched the ad, I try not to watch any. But listening to everything about it, it seems that Pepsi was trying to (very clumsily) echo “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” in perfect harmony. But I think they should have had someone work on the campaign that was alive during that very successful campaign.

The best way to advance your own argument is to completely ignore what others are saying.