Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

Not a baby but here’s a cute one:

Yep. It’s why I’m reluctant to let my husband touch me intimately sometimes. Like, I knew how long it had been since the last time he washed his hands! Wash those puppies!

Wow. On stranger Tides was so forgettable, it was dropped as one of the “last two movies” in the franchise.

FYI, all your skin cells are constantly flaking off and being flung everywhere, whether inside your clothing or underwear, or outside of the body. I participated in a study on this, and they had us sit in a clean room with petri dishes up to 8' away from us. You can be the cleanest person ever, and you’ll still have

I demand to know who actually starred your post.

OK, I have a chronic bladder disease so basically my life is feeling like I have a UTI but like all the time. Seriously ya’ll I am the queen of angry bladders, listen to me! This cranberry thing is a LIE! When you have a UTI the lining of your urinary tract (and bladder if you have a bladder infection), the lining is

BTW to the OP, if your toothbrush is in your bathroom, it also has fecal particles all over it it. You brush your teeth with feces every day. Just FYI.

Honey, MOST women have had a UTI, whether or not you’ve heard from them about it. Do you think all of them are allowing someone to f* their butt and then their vag? (hint: that’s incredibly, incredibly rare because we’re not idiots.) And do you honestly think the vast majority people run around with shit all over

Go to bed showered clean, have sex. Sleep all night. Fart a lot. Morning sex....

You’re an idiot if you think wiping or washing gets rid of literally millions of microscopic organisms.

Well not really, plain old soap isn’t going to kill e-coli, toilet paper definately won’t, and there’s no way in hell I’m bleaching my vagina. Motion and sweat will cause bacteria to move around in both genders, and even the cleanest woman in the world can’t escape the fact that the vagina and the anus are only

You’d be surprised how many fecal particles are all over the place, even if you think you’ve cleaned yourself.

That picture might be hard to interpret. I believe the actual bacteria are the little yellow threads. The blue crinkly thing is a dying cell.

Ladies, make sure your partner has washed his hands before he’s allowed to touch you down there. His fingers have been in contact with a lot more dirty surfaces than his dick has.

UTIs exist because sex in all its forms is Satan’s dirty, disgusting, and evil work and treatment should not be covered by insurance because women will continue to be promiscuous if they can get easy treatment.

Exactly. I have zero patience for takes that are all “Here’s what adults should and should not do.” If you are paying your bills and rent on time and making mostly responsible decisions, who the FUCK cares what you put on your face, how you wear your hair, or what activities you choose to do in your spare time? Like,

This grown-ass lady made herself a goddamn unicorn dress. And wore it to work.

Cheryl Wischhover nails the trend’s “infantilizing” tendency for Racked: “Reconciling being a grown-ass lady who pays rent and buys her own condoms while also enjoying wearing holographic lip gloss that looks like unicorn tears can be tricky, but who doesn’t want to be recognized as magical, I guess?”

I have lunch every other week or so with a woman who works in my office. Sometimes we go to lunch at the same time and we both require nourishment so eating together makes sense. So far I have managed to avoid fucking her. I do this by not trying to fuck her. This also applies to all other women I know who are not my

The comments on that Matt Walsh post made me fucking crazy last night.