Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

This makes literally no sense to me. Maybe you should save your side eye for the robotic, usually underwhelming, performances at those usually desperately dull award shows. I have never read of anyone who has heard Adele live that has not praised both her voice and her rapport/intimacy with her fans. Anxiety on

My husband somehow had no clue how spectacular it was. Just casually before last Christmas he’s all “I got you some seats in the company suite for...Adele? You like her, right?”. And then I got to surprise my SIL and two friends with tickets. That was fun.

Ok admittedly I have a teething, screaming child on my hip, but my brain is attempting to parse and respond:

And school dress codes are often stupid, sexist and unevenly enforced. My kid’s school had a “no spaghetti straps” rule for K-6: Who does that impact, and what good does it do?

I’m sure many airlines do. United used to have a very strict dress code. I once was asked to get off of flight or put on pantyhose because I had on open toe dress shoes. My comment is that that dress codewas relaxed and what’s left of it hasn’t really been enforced, at least in my experience, in the last several

“Manufactured” or not, this is just a bad look for United. Yeah, yeah, we get it— there’s a pass holder dress code—but you won’t even give some lip service about “looking into updating our policies” or something? Leggings—that’s the hill you want to die on?

I actually feel bad for the pass-giving employee. Because it wasn’t the pass-takers who complained, it was a random passenger who witnessed the conversation and went to Twitter. At the same time, I lecture my pass-takers about the dress code and expected behavior and will take them away if I don’t think they will meet

I love the little scarecrow being constructed. That somehow we’re more peeved by the person who applied the policy than the policy itself. lol

Definitely do. Mine just made a pattern from my old dress, and makes me a new one when I need one. I need one about every 2nd or 3rd year. :) That is, I have about 5-6 dresses, I rotate through each week, wash in a specific way (30 minute gentle soak, rinse and line dry), and then each one wears out in about the

Oh thank God for you! I was scrolling through the comment section wondering if anyone understood the concept that dress codes in and of themselves are problematic.

Yes, thank you! Thank you so much! All of the thanks I could possibly thank you!

This is the correct take.

Agree. Also, they’re so worried about the pass riders making them look bad, but this makes them look so much worse.

I’m the daughter of a United Flight attendant. She’s been an attendant for almost 20 years. There used to be a dress code (no jeans, no open toed shoes in first class, etc.) but they stopped that many years ago. I’ve flown in leggings, sweatpants, jeggings, etc and I never had a problem. They’re hiding behind this

Jesus, it’s like people here don’t understand that the very concept of a dress code is intended to enforce class and gender norms. Like, yes, this is sexist. It’s also classist. All dress codes are, and intentionally so.

I’m disappointed, Jezebel community. You don’t need to be outraged, but can’t we see the vileness of taking aside 2 children wearing leggings and telling them to “cover up”? Wtf? Did United airport security have nothing better to do? They could have been eyeballing crowds for suspicious behavior, or at least made sure

United offers less leg room than almost any other major carrier. If they don’t want people wearing leggings, maybe give them enough room to sit comfortably in more-formal clothes?

Is United paying people to comment here or something? Who cares if they were using an employee pass, she was 10. Why are they letting children use the pass if they’re going to hold them to ridiculous dress codes?

My elementary school-aged daughter has decided that all traditional pants are “terrible” and “make my belly hurt” and will only wear elastic-waisted leggings/stretch pants/knits. She wants comfort as she tree-climbs, karate-kicks, and army-crawls her way through 1st Grade and I cannot blame her.