Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

who doesn’t

Yea...we foster dogs and cats. I can’t with expensive breakable stuff. All the crystal bowls with hearts and flowers and yes, swans, are all still in their boxes in out basement. Our style has always skewed more scandinavian/mid century, so none of that stuff is anywhere close to our taste anyway, but especially

As someone who just got married in December and had a sister/MOH who did literally none of the things you have done, partially because she lives 1000 miles away and partially I suspect because even if she lived in town she’d be useless anyway, I say you are released from your duties. *taps you on both shoulders with

Maybe if your wedding is going to put you in financial hardship you should re-evaluate your priorities & re-think your spending???

One of my friends recently whined on Facebook that someone told her having a self-thrown baby shower for her *fourth* kid that is 18 months younger than her third kid was tacky and IT’S NOT FAIR I WANT STUFF!!! So she did a “digital baby shower” instead which is literally just a gift registry.

I agree with this for weddings where people don’t have to travel. I don’t mind getting someone a gift if the most I have to do is drive 10 miles to their reception. But if I have to come to New York City, or Florida, or California, for your wedding, then your gift is the gift of my presence. I also do not buy gifts

I was very conscientious of this when I was having my wedding. I paid for half of both showers, even though I wasn’t asked—and one of them nearly killed me as it was high tea at a fancy hotel—and contributed a chunk of money towards my bachelorette party, in addition to paying for the wedding itself, which was small

Proposed solution to those who lack a KitchenAid stand mixer in light of all the wedding gifts they’ve shelled out for: don’t buy a gift for weddings or showers; instead sock the $50-$100 away each time into savings. After 3-5 weddings, you’ve amassed the amount to buy your own. And in your card to the happy

Ban the wedding registry. Seriously. With the average age of people getting married slowly getting higher and higher and a majority of women (because that’s who the registry was originally for) have already lived on their own for a number of years anyway, wedding gifts and registries are a fucking joke for all the

A Home Depot gift card. Mostly because that’s pretty much all I buy anyone who owns a house, and it seems to always come in handy.


I took a heterosexism class and mentioned in a paper these “friendship gift taxes” that some people collect through performance of life “milestones” and others never do.

Go to the gift table, leave a card saying “What a beautiful day! I hope you enjoy the gift!”, then take half a dozen cards off their gifts, and scatter them.

I told all my married friends that if I wasn’t married by 30 then they’d get a birthday registry from me, because I deserve a KitchenAid too, dammit.

You know, it still pisses me off that men don’t have to wear makeup. Or shave their entire bodies. Or wear extremely uncomfortable clothing to be “fashionable.”

That is the most interesting reason for watching the Kardashians I’ve ever heard.

Hmm, I read it and it totally made sense. Seems you’d have to have been living under a rock for this to have read weirdly.

Caitlyn is and was always a woman but couldn’t express it outwardly in public. This is why it’s dangerous to dead name or misgender transgender people.

I know it’s not cool to admit to watching KUWTK but... Kris never seemed happy to be with Corey. He was clearly very kind and loving to her, but she always seemed ‘meh’ towards him.