Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

I started my new job this week and I love it! Previously I was working at home, which sounds like a dream but our work expectations were changing in a way that was making it really miserable. My company is opening a new location so I was able to transfer there as the new office administrator. It’s with a different

I have a J.D. and it was a complete waste. That being said, it sounds like this would not be the case for you, considering that you have connections and some work experience. I never took a prep course as I was able to find plenty of LSAT study guides through my university library and purchased a few practice test

Folks who didn’t give me a wedding gift will not be receiving any from me. Maybe it’s petty but it only seems fair. It’s not like gifts are required.

I don’t have any advice and just wanted to wish you luck! I have given up on hair removal and wear surf leggings to the pool/beach. Seriously.

No worries, I’m totally on board with you! On the same token, I get annoyed when vegans/vegetarians catch flak from omnivores for any variances. I’ve seen people give vegetarians so much crap for having foods containing gelatin or eggs or cheese (despite eggs and cheese literally being vegetarian) and vegans for

I see what you’re saying. It seems to be a recurring theme that many suddenly popular “health” foods or “superfoods” end up causing a lot of environmental damage. Another potential solution would be if we simply consumed less of any milk or milk alternatives and/or switched to water. A carton of almond milk will

You’re right. I hadn't really noticed before, but my store bought almond milk is fortified. I’m not vegan but I think most folks could benefit from a multivitamin regardless of their eating habits.

I certainly see what you’re saying, but I think if the goal is conserving water, we’d be much better served by reducing the amount of livestock. Half of California’s agricultural water usage goes towards livestock.

I definitely agree that it is problematic to grow almonds in an area plagued by drought. It’s still less water than it takes to produce cow’s milk or what is used for livestock in California, but overall, reducing water consumption is important. I’m well aware that making your own still consumes almonds; it certainly

Yeesh. I can see how the location where they are grown could become problematic. If anything, I hear that oat milk and hemp milk are good alternatives.

I don’t buy it. I’ve read elsewhere that it only takes a handful of almonds to make a carton of almond milk. If you’re concerned about the mass-production facet, it is supposedly easy to make your own with almonds, water, and a good blender. This is the article I read and I’ve been having my almond milk guilt-free

Truth. I don’t eat meat but nonetheless the eating habits of many other vegans/vegetarians I have met mortifies me. I’m like, so where are the actual plants in your diet? Many people, regardless of dietary restrictions, rely far too heavily on processed foods.

You would think, but I read that it’s actually the plant matter that can cause tummy aches during the few times a year when they have access to it, as their gut bacteria adjust to their regular way of eating.

It’s 100% her prerogative to decide how to identify herself. It doesn’t mean everyone else of varied ancestry agrees. I’ve known women who’ve referred to themselves as mixed, half, mulatta, mestiza, hapa, and any other countless number of ways. For myself, I prefer mixed. Race is a social construct, not a biological

It isn’t. I've always referred to myself as mixed.

Thank you for this analysis! I think you are spot on. This definitely coincides with some things going on in my life right now. It just so happens that I’ve been looking for a new job; not really actively, since I like my current job, but I’ve been idly applying for things here and there because I don’t realistically

My favorite natural skincare company, Andalou, recently came out with these amazing face masks. They are the sheet kind that you stick on your face, rather than loose product that you slather on and rinse off later. I’ve never used sheet masks before, and I am obsessed. The clarifying one makes my face feel so fresh.

Even if you do end up laying in bed for 6 weeks eating crisps, I’d say that’s a holiday well spent! Don’t pressure yourself too much to be productive; we all deserve a chance to relax from time to time.

I don’t normally share my dreams because they are so easily decipherable and I usually know what they mean. I can see where some of the elements of this one came from but I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Pit section leader during marching season (marimbas) and clarinet during concert season.