Gloomy Tree (formerly Puddglum)

What’s extra shitty is that being so well-educated might even be working against her, depending on the type of job she wants. Companies seem to think that they will need to pay you more and/or that you will be moving on to better things instead of staying with them in the long term. At least that has been my

Bloat. It has happened to me and is not cute. :(

(Birkenstocks are “heels,” dontcha know )

Trump is definitely the high sparrow. Paul Ryan makes me think of the sparrow formerly known as Lancel.

I don’t know if I added that image successfully and I can’t seem to edit it, but it is a pic of Kelsey Grammer wearing a shirt that says “Would it bother us more if they used guns?”

Your comment made me think of this jackass.

That is wonderful! Congratulations! I know that now may not quite be the time for this, but I hope you have the chance at some point to take a brief moment to feel proud of yourself and celebrate a little, because you deserve it.

It does help, thank you! I know just what you mean about muddling through leftover feelings; one of the main reasons why I want therapy is so that I can work though my emotions, not to stir them up and leave them there. I left my last therapist because I was ending up more angry and resentful after our sessions than

I am sorry for your pain.

So, sometimes, I just say it out loud anyway.

Thank you, this actually helps a lot. The common thread between the therapists that I didn’t find effective is that I didn’t feel like I was being heard. The ones who helped me the most truly listened. I never noticed that until I read your comment. I was starting to wonder if I was being too picky (much like dating

Do you have any advice for finding a good therapist? I keep hearing how much therapy has improved, especially in recent years, so either I have the worst luck or I am doing something wrong. I have had effective therapists before, but could not continue seeing them (one moved away, and the other was more of a

Welcome, fellow former lurker! This is not technically my first SNS since I created my account, but it is the first I have commented on.

I can’t help with your arguments, but I would like to point out that, even if we assume that misogyny is not pervasive on the part of actual gamers, it is nonetheless pervasive in the games themselves. See Exhibit A: Final Fantasy XV which features *only* male playable characters. I was inclined to celebrate when I

I can’t give you any advice about having a friend with BPD, but I have been the friend with BPD.* My friends left me, even though I was in therapy, and on medication, and actively improving. I wish they hadn’t. Within a year of treatment I was well-adjusted and emotionally stable, and I stayed that way. I made new

Wait. People actually use #merica in a non-sarcastic way? I’ve only ever seen it used to make fun of people like her. Not used *by* people like her. I need a moment to process this.

Right? I don’t think I could re-read it. I’d be too freaked out.

Thank you! Although I promise it was not particularly imaginative of me. I dragged Sheep everywhere and at some point prior to naming her, she needed a wash. When she came out her fur was matted and, well, sheepish. I don’t know how much she cost, but $7 is quite a bargain! Isn’t it funny how such little things can

Is Dog a sheep? Asking because mine was named Sheep but she was a dog. Then I grew up and learned that there are sheepdogs and was quite pleased.

I was too, but then I wondered if she shot him anywhere else that maybe they would have tried charging her instead of saying it was self defense.