Reserve Parachute

As well as the dashcam, if this happens, don’t get out of the car. Grab your own neck, call 911, and tell them you were attacked by a car and have a severe neck injury. It might not bring the police, but it will bring the fire department and an ambulance, and you have all kinds of documentation to go with your video

It will just be a link to whichever dashcams the Inventory is shilling, there will be no testing or any sort of reviews.

Don’t install a dash cam. Install 2, front and rear. Single front cam is not enough anymore. I have dual dash cams on both of my cars, worth every penny. That’s how I caught a valet hitting my car against a column in a garage. Fucker tried to hide the fact. Once I told them I have 2 dash cams recording non-stop, they

I certainly appreciate the overall sentiment of the article, but the idea that “no one needs a truck as big of the Silverado...” seems to be a bit off the mark. We live in the mountains on 3 acres and just last month while rebuilding my retaining wall I was regularly hauling loads of cement and lumber near the max

The guy’s just a dork-ass loser who got his start with a creepier version of Hot or Not...”

I am on Miata #4, but this feels click baity.

If they refresh it and make the design more round I think it will do well. Test drove a ND PRHT 3 weeks ago and although a fun car felt cramped and not as “open” as my NA or a NC I drove. the ND is a great car, more well built, better tech and handles better IMO, but just felt small when you are sitting in it.

Are we going to talk about transportation on Jalopnik, or is this just a thinly veiled attempt to really fan the flames of class warfare by editorializing on the haves vs. have nots in every single damned article published here these days?

I hope both parties actually see prison time AND get sued into poverty. Towing companies are the shadiest companies around.

How funny would it be if the Feds just towed and impounded their trucks before the raid.

As a fellow firefighter, you’re spot on. Fire departments across this country are expected to handle medical/trauma emergencies, vehicle crashes, picking up 400 lb people off of floor, hazardous material incidents, flooded basements, dogs stuck in storm drains, assistance burying a cat....and oh, almost forgot to

Also firefighter here - I was worked up like you when I first read this story, then walked away, then realized that he has no idea what he is talking about.

So the main source is a YouTube video from a content creator that openly admits to shitposting in his bio. Lots of stats pretending to show firefighters are useless, but where is the evidence that American streets are as wide as they are because of fire trucks? Fire trucks aren’t any wider than semis or box trucks,

there’s an assumption here that fighting a fire in Europe is the same as fighting one in Norther America. I’m not so sure it is. Our building are taller. More of them are made from wood. I’m guessing that fire fighters here also have to respond to a wider variety of fires - forest fires, grass land fires, fires in

As a firefighter for 30 years and these days mostly chauffeur, I can speak with great authority in saying that you have no idea what you are talking about. You read a couple of articles about firefighting in Europe and I guess now you know are a subject matter expert?

Hearing its music often enough can contribute to homicidal impulses, but the ice cream truck is killing kids via the long game - setting ‘em up for a life demanding instant gratification, destined for obesity & the diabeetus!

Really? Picking on fire trucks?? What’s next? The ice cream truck music is too loud and killing kids!!!

This seems like an argument in favor of strategically placing micro fire stations equipped with kei-class fire trucks throughout American cities & suburbs.

How about we deal with the underinsured knobs who think “cutting up” is fun first? The size of our firetrucks is hardly cracking the the top 1000 on my list of concerns with our roadways 

This guy is such a loser, and he doesn’t understand a thing about how the world works - let alone the automotive industry. He spear headed all of the job losses over his tenure and the erosion of the blue collar American. He also sounds illiterate with all of his cussin. Any one with two braincells or that has worked