Reserve Parachute

Both are pogues. But one was a desk jockey PAO that sat in an air conditioned office in their one 6 month deployment, and one was frocked to CSM and retired as a MSG. Furthermore, it’s uncouth to attack a veteran for their service if you’re a veteran yourself, especially in politics. I do think the NG is lame, but if

What does this have to do with the automotive industry?

Other potential VP candidates who just missed the cut:

Sooo .. an EV Boxster:

Weight going from 3000 to 3600 ... a BIG deal
EV sounds ... a BIG deal
Complaining about manuals .. in a Porsche .. because of city driving. Right.
Complaining about sportscar mileage in a city .. you’re not using it right
Talking about how useful a 2 seater convertible is regarding storage space ..

Exactly. The author’s statement that she “got off light” implies that she should be punished with a high bond. Bonds secure attendance at court. They aren’t a form of pretrial punishment. We could go ahead and upend American jurisprudence and do away with the presumption of innocence and due process. Then we could

It’s coming for sure.


Must be the only way they can get anyone to visit the sad shell of the Root - forced redirects!

We can’t read anything here without being directed to another site. I do not care about the Root or anything on that site. I don’t want to see it. 

For crying out loud, please just say “he” or “she” when it’s relevant. Call me an old timer but this “they” business really does confuse the situation when it’s unnecessary. Is the teen in this video not only a delinquent but also non-binary or is this site now shoehorning everybody into the same bucket whether we

Destruction = clicks, ergo

For many these days there is no right or wrong, just clicks or more clicks.

I get what the advisory was intended for. It wasn’t saving Santorini for the tourists. It was saving Santorini residents *from* the tourists. Like warning people to stay indoors because there’s a hailstorm predicted.

Am I the only one getting auto-forwarded to the Root as the first “related” article pixel that pops up at the bottom of the article or the end of the comments. 

Instead of paying the fine it on time

So, if someone is having a shitty day and does something shitty, but not physically harmful, identity theft is on the table? Also, looks like that wasn’t where it ended, and you have no idea what she ended up doing and how it may have harmed or hurt innocent people.

What the hell is he doing driving himself? He’s a sitting US senator and a stroke survivor. Hire a driver, JF. You’re a millionaire. You can afford it.

Once again your political bias is showing. Reminding you that Jalopnik - Obsessed With The Culture Of Cars” should be just that.

Yeah, I find this outrage largely pointless and stupid. People seem to miss that even if he’s guilty it’s guilty of disclosure rules, not underlying activity. Anyone who thinks AOC (along with the rest of them) doesn’t get fancy dinners, box sets, etc as “part of her job” is fooling themselves. Would be great if

Now playing

For its time, the Citroën DS, no contest. For all time, either the latest Rolls-Royce Phantom or the Mercedes 600 Grosser (which licensed parts of the Citroën technology).