These things are still noisy and buzzy, right? Call me a NIMBY or whatever, but I don’t want that noise flying around where I live.
These things are still noisy and buzzy, right? Call me a NIMBY or whatever, but I don’t want that noise flying around where I live.
Except Senna had respect for his fellow drivers and the sport and was a compassionate person off-track. And he wasn’t the first of his kind to do so.
Don’t forget to pair that slideshow with a half a dozen pop up ads that completely take over your phone’s screen and don’t allow you to close them out, and then you just end up having to close out chrome entirely just to get your browser to function again.
^This comment should be a slideshow!
Part of the issue may also be the lack of originality, and just parroting the good work other people do, due to a dearth of original thought.
I’m a liberal and Jalopnik routinely embarrasses me. They are on that edge of wokeness where the writers are just dicks. Title of this article is a prime example. If you hate capitalism, write an article about hating capitalism. Don’t write a dickhead article about a rich person that never did anything to you. You…
Jealousy at it's finest
This is actually absurd that Jalopnik would even post this.... I will no longer be supporting Jalopnik because this is just stupidity. First of all, the editor has no clue what he is talking about and has never driven in a competitive series in his life. Lance Stroll won every karting championship in North America and…
This headline REEKS of jealousy.
Ooooo....let’s do another one and call it “Jalopnik ‘Journalists’ Judgement Day”
This is a stupid article. Formula 1 has always been about the rich and privileged. If I was a billionaire and bought an F1 team, would I let my kid drive my car? You betcha. F1 has been filled with dilettantes who bought, schmoozed and lied their way into a seat since day 1. Lance Stroll is a long way from being the…
I get that you have a hate on for Stroll, but he’s not talentless. Is he a top talent, no. Until he got to F1, he actually had a slightly better record than George Russell.
Everyone should take a few seconds and google LASD gangs.
No, shockingly Texas is not one of the five states that allows firing squad for the death penalty:
At least he didn’t roll coal before hitting them?
By this theory, Amazon would have no women wanting to handle a guy’s “package”, or antique stores owned by women touching “junk”, or female hot dog vendors grabbing “wieners” slang really this discouraging to work with?
Why? Just why are you publishing a dig on a man whose been dead for 11 years and for decisions made 18 years ago? Are you still hoping for some form of reckoning? Had he been alive for the Me Too movement, maybe a conversation or reckoning could have happened. But at this point, there is so little to be gained for…
Not in this context.