Reserve Parachute

I realize that no one at Gawker understands the difference between revenue and profit. This is evident by the fact that your properties keep going bankrupt. $7B in revenue is meaningless unless you include all of the other numbers.

The average Pizza Hut franchisee makes a whopping $92k per year. That’s after taking

The article mentions nothing about the amount of profit the California franchises make (as a percentage or otherwise). So the article doesn’t address the point at all.

This is an extraordinarily stupid statement on multiple levels.

Revenue != Profit

If it’s true, nail his ass.  But how does the lady get past the “she said/he said” aspect of the case?

wow so much FOX-fuelled Russia-hatred in the comments.

Now playing

This is really kind of moot point if you know your constitutional rights.

TSA fails to detect contraband 95% of the time, according to an internal investigation by DHS.

Do you think taking off your shoes or getting your laptop out of your bag or denying someone a bottle of water does anything to increase airport security?

There is very very clearly more to the story than this “author” (creator) would have you believe, and clearly that “more” is the fact that this is not about Tesla at all, who was “just” following (or hiding behind) the law.

Exactly. It’s not Tesla’s place to change the car title or remove ownership. Until the court says otherwise, it’s still partly his car. We don’t want companies just changing the terms of ownership just because someone says so.

And what exactly has a loser like Oliver done, to advance mankind... other than to run his worthless mouth?

The jargon soup. 

Your down syndrome is.

The man is not without his faults, but this quote from Teddy Roosevelt’s “The Man in the Arena” is appropriate:

If any of it was true, everyone would be talking about it. Next article.

“All the racist, anti-Semitic, transphobic and generally bigoted views he’s been pushing on Twitter”

That big meanie Elon, how dare he not be a far-left loon

I used to work in the security industry and in some sates/counties for us to get law enforcement to enforce the law (aka arrest people trespassing, vandalizing, assaulting, etc) we had to employ them while off-duty.  Legit had to pay them $50/hr to run 12 hour “security” shifts.  When we stopped because they would

You never have to answer any cops questions, you’re answers are likely to be used against you.  Tell them you want your attorney and shut your mouth, it’s your right.