
I found it kinda cute because it reminded me of every old person on Facebook. “Hey Jimmy iTS GRANDMA lol love u - love grammy.”

Oh, it’s unfair to scrutinize Melanie’s parents but it was totally fine for her asshole husband and his cronies to bring up Obama’s parentage at every (inappropriate) opportunity.

That’s still rub though. The authors of Red Son, of Injustice, of Kingdom Come, of any story where Superman is “off” and try and tell you “this is the correct version of Superman. This is how he SHOULD be. This is right.” The reason those stories work so well is readers inherently know it ISN’T right. It’s about

There is the NY law, I think its the SAFE Act of 2013; which was shoved through the legislature by revoking the 3 day wait period on any bill that goes to the governor. The law requires ammo dealers to do background checks, similar to the ones required for gun sales, and requires gun owners to modify their weapons to

What an excellent point! It’s not that evil of a shadow government if they’re not even killing real people.

I’ve often remarked bitterly to friends that if the deaths of 20 mostly white children wasn’t enough to make the country come to its sense about the need for gun control, nothing will. What I find darkly ironic is that the same people maintaining Sandy Hook was a conspiracy on the part of the government to disarm us

I hate everyone. You remind me why.

They fail to realize that when our government does shady crap to silence/oppress us, it’s in the form of the war on drugs. Not elaborate killing hoaxes.

Actually, the main result was that multiple states made guns even easier to obtain. America’s reaction to the shooting deaths of 20 grade-school children was, “It was too hard for the poor mass murderer to slaughter six-year-olds! Let’s make sure the next guy has an easier time so he can do an even better job!”

I hope someone shoots him. Not fatally. But enough that he might rethink his love of guns.

As goddess of revenge and small pests, I will send him cockroaches. Millions of them. And they will be ridden by silverfish and lice and bedbugs. Also, I will ask my friend the invisible unicorn to bless him with flies that buzz at night. Damn him.
Maybe someone knows his noodlyness the FSM and asks for help, too? No

I am not unbiased here. I have family in education in Connecticut, who knew the principal who was also killed. This guy’s deranged fantasy would be a dream come true for those families who lost loved ones. If only it was all some kind of stunt. If only.

Thats just it, for crazy conspiracy theorists there’s often a sense of relief at the notion of some shadowy group in control of the things that happen.

I live across the country and people I grew up with were very vocal for months about this “conspiracy.” They wouldn’t have gone up to a grieving person — I fucking hope not anyway — but people without mental illness buy into this bullshit. It was nuts the stuff that came out of her mouth. She was functionally

May he always have low battery. May his socks slip down his feet. May he always need to sneeze but never quite manage it. May he shart whenever he farts. May he step on lego.

Well, look at it this way. His delusion allows him to feel like HE’S the one being victimized by the Sandy Hook shooting - since it was “fake” in order for the government to “take his guns”.

There’s an intense need on the part of some pretty unpersecuted people to feel persecuted.

it’s the gun-government-martial law-crazyshit-survivalist-crazy-GOD-GUNS-black ops-secret files-crazy-American flag-James Madison-guns-freedom thing.

I hope his refrigerator dies while he’s a work and his dog poops in his favorite shoes and his best friend butt dials him while talking about how he’s really lost it, and his land lord decides it’s time to renovate and cancels his lease six months early, and his work decides to rearrange some offices landing him in a

I’m sure that there are mental health issues involved here; this guy may be sick in the head. Or maybe he’s just the world’s biggest asshole, sometimes it’s hard to discern the difference. If he’s sick I hope he gets help, if he’s the world’s biggest asshole I hope he gets tossed behind bars for some inevitable

Well you can understand his claims given how all guns everywhere were banned as a result of Sandy Hook.