
I might have undersold it a little lol. It was a statewide thing - they were not just going to be chilling around NYC, they had to attend a symposium for 3 of those days.

Urdu and Hindi are basically the same language. If you automatically distrust the experiences of the Other, then that’s your issue pal. We don’t go around making up lies about racism or sexism to feel victimised.


That’s so sad and infuriating.

It breaks my fucking heart.

Jesus, Bingo. This is where we are now?

I’ve also heard some horrible things about how they treat overweight passengers, too, but none of this shocks me (not that I really need to tell you that either).

Something quite similar occurred last week with my daughter’s classmates. About a dozen children at her school got to go on a 5 day trip to New York after winning a math quiz. Among those dozen were two lovely and brilliant twins who just so happened to be Muslim. As the flight was about to take off, they were

Just wow. It makes no sense on any conceivable level. Surely people are aware that Arabic is just a language spoken by millions of people - and surely once they didn't find anything suspicious on this man or his luggage they should have just upgraded him to business with a profound apology?! But FBI?!?! No opportunity

So embarrassed. Have disabled all plugins forever.

First you ask me to acknowledge that piece of shit as Star Wars, but asking me to believe there are black people in Utah is a bridge too far

Kids these days don’t appreciate reading; all they care about is going to the talkies.

lol using “SJW” unironically in a supposedly serious comment

Although his and my politics are quite different I like the fact he’s really delving deep into the character and seems to be more then just a name for publicity that Marvel tends to do. This could be interesting.

Or just CANCER (all-caps). As in, “We are CANCER! And we’re here to FUCK! YOU! UP!!”

“My next song explores how profoundly unfair it is that black people can use the n-word, and I can’t.”


Guarantee you this asshole also bemoans the lack of white history month.