
I’m not denying that socially liberal/fiscally conservative people exist. But they often either a) aren’t the political thought unicorns they think they are, or b) aren’t actually fiscally conservative, or in the case of this relative, c) all of the above.

Oh, I had that teacher! 12th grade Theory of Knowledge (IB for philosophy). He gave all the Asian girls shoulder massages and made us read Dinesh D’Souza. He, along with everything about Orange County, CA in the 90s, is why I am a liberal today.

He tweeted something negative about Hilary’s bathroom break on the twitter and I tweeted back that nobody would even notice if he spent the whole debate in the bathroom and now I get to find out that I’m right.

Self-proclaimed libertarians love to tell other people they are actually libertarian too.

Or “fanks”

you are in Matrix

I have a close relative who insists she’s a libertarian because she believes she’s “socially liberal and fiscally conservative” (eyeroll) and insists that I’M also a libertarian. It has caused fights when I insist that, in fact, I’m practically a socialist, because I believe in ALL the good government, and then I try

“After months of poll numbers collapsing like a once proud but increasingly weary hairdo...”

As fake doctors go, you gotta admit, he’s one of the worst. Like the jeans though. No I don’t. He says the word liberty a lot. He’s actually pretty smart. But he’s also a crazy fucking lunatic who worships that horrible bitch Ayn Rand. He sits well. Decent posture. He may not be a second tier candidate but he sure

His voice isn’t needed. There are plenty of anti-women candidates already.

Man Makes Futile Gesture, World Fails to Take Notice

This trend of wearing Jeans with a blazer and a tie has to disappear like yesterday. It looks like shit. Either go full suit, wear khakis (in beige or subtle green), grey flanel pants or leave the tie the fuck at home. Good lord libertarians, some rules have to remain.


Yeah, she might not be completely stupid but she’s at least three-fifths stupid.

Do you mean do I want to bring children into a world like this? If it happens, it happens.

Ok so he may not diddle them himself. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they’re exposed to grown ups fucking, and sex in general, at way too young an age. And if that sounds like I’m judging him, it’s only because I’m judging him. He’s a nasty assed predatory skeevy as fuck opportunistic manipulative fucking scumbag

How early is too early to call CPS on Richardson and his baby mama? I feel like it is so clear they are going to screw those twins up someone ought to be at the delivery to intervene immediately.

Yeah, to me the grossest aspect was the whole “Skinny’s babies CUMMING soon.” NO. The actual BIRTH has nothing to do with cumming, you gross fucks.

You know how people say it’s all about inner beauty and if you feel beautiful you will look beautiful?

Charlie Sheen is more metal than a Norwegian church arsonist.