“The mysterious new car company making big promises” is something we’ve heard many times before with no result, but…
“The mysterious new car company making big promises” is something we’ve heard many times before with no result, but…
Skintight suit with very specific contrasting panels. Poses and artists chosen to highlight her body. Pheromone…
It’s only socially acceptable among xenophobic twats and racists, I promise. The rest of us are appalled.
She meant “ménage à trois” but she can’t spell and didn’t know it was a French phrase.
I know this is a serious issue of racism but this reminds me so much of my sister’s husband’s ex, who is also a trashy half-wit. My sister showed me a message this dumb bitch put on Facebook; a picture with two men and herself with the caption “Minaj twat tonight, suckaz”
I really feel like he would be wasted as VP. He’d be much much better in the cabinet working on labor or something...
Allow me to show you my facebook feed :)
This is like an atheist swearing on the holy bible in court.
I agree the combination of his ego and how much money he has put means this is end game for president. Before I think he just dabbled a bit to get in the press. Now he honestly thinks he can win, there’s no doubt he’ll do an independent run.
“Anybody have a knife?” Trump asked the audience, which was screened by Secret Service agents who began protecting him this week. “You want to try it on me?”
Well, justified or no, the thing wasn't any sort of legally binding contract, and even if it purported to be one, I'm not sure it would stand up to legal scrutiny and be enforceable.
I’ve thought that since he signed that pledge not to run 3rd party. He just needs his own “stabbed in the back” myth to justify going against that promise. It won’t be difficult for someone completely detached from reality to conjure a grievance narrative that justifies whatever he wants.
It definitely does feel like the GOP has reached a fever pitch and is going to eat itself. There are just too many stress fractures.
Stop, I can only get so aroused.
What you’re describing is preaching to the choir. Absolutely this kind of shit gets eat up by people that were already in the bag for him. The question is: is this bringing in other voters? Specifically, is this going to bring in the more centrist and moderate GOP voters (in terms of the primaries) and will it bring…
Interesting. I’ve heard ‘Trump is a plant who isn’t actually serious about running’ theories before but its always been of the ‘he’s a Democratic mole’ variety. I’ve never heard one along the lines of what you’re suggesting. The ‘Dem mole’ ones were always pretty fanciful, but knowing the GOP’s knack for dirty tricks,…
He did, in early September. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/03/pol…
Trump third party run...a consumation devoutly to be wished
So my hot-take on this: this is the beginning of the end for Trump as a GOP nominee, he continues to slip in the polls, Carson over takes him. Whether Carson ultimately get the nomination is besides the point, the point is, Trump gets unseated in this race. HOWEVER, rather than give up, in true Trump fashion, he…