“Hero” isn’t a person, ragg; it’s a tier.
“Hero” isn’t a person, ragg; it’s a tier.
“Live and let live” is most definitely not a maxim of the right.
No but I LOVE the idea of reading as a form of peaceful protest. What is more peaceful and yet a clearer “IDGAF” than reading? We could start the hashtag #NotNowImReading to share examples.
“If you don’t knit, bring a book.”
And talk about privilege...those people trying to tell her how to act? omg.
May I suggest a few titles for this endeavor?
Tell it to the book.
His supporters are likely to believe that people who can read are witches and should be burned.
Or she was excercising her FREEDOM not to engage in meaningless displays of patriotism. How loudly you sing the anthem or how straight you stand for the pledge doesn’t show how patriotic you are - it’s all a show for other people. If you were truly patriotic, you’d defend the values that make this country great -…
But it was cool and polite of her to say. Made her more credible in my eyes even if she was just being kind.
Let the woman have her quiet protest of reading. If she not actively trying to hurt people, let it go.
I’d be ok calling Jezebel “Joharibel” for the day.
Johari, girl, you my hero.
The identity of the woman who perfectly expressed a sane person’s reaction to being at a Donald Trump rally by whippi…
Seriously, all I could think was:
I hope more than anything ever in my life that she was paid to be there. Not only because that means Trump has to pay people to make him look like he has diverse support but also because she was paid to give zero fucks and read her book. Can she start a book club? Can we pay her to sit and read during all the GOP…
On Monday, Donald Trump spent an hour in Springfield, Illinois, bumbling in front of a crowd of supporters and one…
Justin Majeczky was perched high above the Golden Gate Bridge on Slacker Hill executing some time-lapse photography…