

Or maybe absinthe?

Lance has been competent from the start. Oliver has just been very fortunate to have people covering his ass from the start. From Diggle pretending to be the vigilante and Tommy personally hiding all the shit in the original Arrowcave on through to Diggle and Felicity helping Roy get arrested as the Arrow. (Don’t

I know! And with him pretty much being Oliver’s embittered platonic ex at the start of S4, his early conversations with Lance would be amazing. PLUS! We may be seeing Oliver run for mayor, and Diggle working for him again despite their BFF breakup could be such a delight. Oh, man. Paul Blackthorne and David Ramsey

Until that pic, it never occurred to me that Diggle might be so pissed with Oliver that he went and got a job working for Lance. That would be so much fun. It likely wouldn’t last past the winter hiatus, but it would be such a spectacular ‘SCREW YOU’ for Oliver when he returns to Star City. I can’t stop laughing at

What’s beautiful is he can no longer pretend he’s the boss of them. This is a team now, and his one vote can be overruled. As well you know, anything silly that makes Oliver act like a grump-ass is why I watch the series.

They found a way to give us the boxing glove arrow. I have faith that despite being forbidden by the DCCU asshats to use Harley again, the writers will find a way to give us ‘The Quiver’ as the name. I’ve long thought Thea would be the one to suggest it. I suspect that all the more now that she can point out there’s

You’re out of the greys!

Thea’s the one who’s loaded now (as Felicity might well turn out to be thanks to Ray), so I’m wondering how much say Oliver actually had in any of this.

Bam. Sold.

I popped in to more or less write ‘EVA GREEN OR GTFO’. Your comment is much better.

I have had the sort of week where I want to knock back an entire litre of booze just so I could break the bottle and eat the broken glass to end the misery. You have no idea how thrilled I am to see such high praise for this flick. I need some gloriously giddy escapism so much right now. You have just sold another

Working on it. Just since Saturday, I’ve also contacted the fire department and have been contacted by Adult Protective Services and animal control about her. (She killed one of my ferrets last month because she felt entitled to punish me for something she admitted to being wrong about by way of a ‘you made me do it’

Works for me since this, too, would not squander the genre-love the network has cultivated.

That’s probably Steve Amell in disguise, trolling Marvel.

I’m feeling especially generous toward the CW after yesterday’s Constantine announcement, so I would watch at least the first and second eps of this. I will feel even more generous if at some point during development someone remembers the network has a fair bit of good will banked with genre fans. Going for balls-out

Sadly, no. Do they use ‘scrip instead if prescription in that series?

Oh, no worries. Certainly no apologies necessary. I was the one who screwed up, and I don’t mind being called out when that happens.

I binged it on Netflix about a week ago. The first series was a little cringey at times but nevertheless found its stride beautifully. I have rarely watched anything with such flawless continuity once they figured out who the supporting characters were. I loved it. Now I just need to find the two series not on Netflix.

Scroll down. You’ll see where I noticed the double negative and apologised. And also mentioned that hand job JC got from the Pope again.