
Ah, gotcha. I know nothing of consoles. Well, if it turns out the new release is made of all kinds of AWESOME on top of the devs being kick-ass and the desire to support the franchise becomes unbearable, I guess you could grab the novels and collected short stories the games are based on as your entry. (Not really

I've saved my old not-safe-for-Internetting-but-otherwise-works-great XP PC just for those games. I haven't checked to see if they'll run on the newer versions of Windows. I have, however, been playing almost daily the first Witcher for a couple of months to get a fresh version of Geralt to import to the second

Neutering would be a wise choice in a number of cases, as well.

I struggled so hard with how to remain a fan of his when I learned of some of the awful things (making an 'ironic' donation to the KKK, pretending to be disabled on stage) she's done in the name of performance art. In the end, I came to two conclusions: first, that he must genuinely love her to accept even these

My dad died from the same thing killing her: Grade IV glioblastoma multiforme. He suffered horribly, both physically and mentally. The cascading seizures could barely be managed in the last few months. If she still feels she has sufficient quality of life to keep going, good. Good for her, for her family, for her

Is there anyway you can divorce her? Just her, not the SO. Because you shouldn't have to deal with that kind of bullshit EVER.

There is also that small fact that very few college party attendees are national figures who have a record of years of constantly claiming all possible moral superiority on all possible media outlets to which they can get access. That's definitely an added bonus in this for me, at any rate.

I knew him as part of the Jake and Jack duo from 'Tales', with the one-eyed dog who was constantly pissed at him for gambling and losing the dog's fake eye. And Roddy McDowell was in it which, along with the dog, is probably why I remember what I do of that series. I am so angry and disgusted. I hope the girls he

Good god. This isn't a story from Florida? Do what now?

What little I know is that her dad balked first, which is why they were slow with the initial move back to California (they had lived there before moving to Texas). Then there was that whole series of events which pointed to Amanda experiencing psychotic breaks in public. Her parents went from trying to sell their

I know a member of her extended family. (Not that you need to trust me or anything; just clarifying that my comment wasn't an Internet Diagnosis sponsored by random tabloid speculation.) I don't know what other factors may be involved but, yeah, weed is the least of her troubles. I've always liked her. I wish her

It's not just serious emotional problems: Bynes has full-blown schizophrenia and her parents do not accept that diagnosis as possible. I know there's only so much parents can do for an adult child, but dropping the denial would be a start.

A lesson for any of us who have the luxury of forgetting to pull back the scrim of white privilege and, as a result, missing chances to challenge and change our assumptions.

I noted the other day that, as much as I like the actress who played Saibra on DW, I would have loved for Grace Jones to have been hired to play that Companion rather than just nicking one of her iconic looks for the role. Someone replied that the only thing better than Grace Jones as a Companion would be Grace Jones

I'm child-free by very happy choice — I still feel a very genuine thrill of delight when I think about my successful preemptive tubal ligation — but I'm always happy to hear about and read updates on my friends' kids. Brag, send pics, tell stories, complain without worry of judgement, or ask if we can talk about

This. This is exactly the amount and type of drama I want in my news. This is the maximum emotional intensity I can stand. More like this, please.

The ones saying that are probably the exact people who declared they've seen plenty of women who go limp and fake being out to force a guy to drag them out of wherever (no shit, I saw this declared more than once) and that there wasn't any proof that he had actually knocked her out so they were just going to wait and

My last attempt at an actual dating relationship ended in 1995 when I was twenty-two. General reason I'm on my own? I want to be. I'm not opposed to being in a relationship — sometimes I've been interested and the other hasn't; sometimes that's been the other way around — but I don't feel a lacking in myself for not

Plus, the English language needs a second-person plural. 'Y'all' does the trick beautifully.

Natural selection has steered us toward having this ability. It's a way of we had of communicating 'hi, see, I'm not a threat, I'm not a danger, please don't kill me, I'd like to survive long enough to pass along my genetic material, thanks.' That's also why it's connected to evolution and expression of empathy, and