
Two years after the attack, I was taking an intro to journalism elective, and was the only voice in the class, teacher included, who suggested that there wasn’t enough evidence to justify war with Iraq and that we were being railroaded. A girl reminded me they found a “Chemicals Factory.” Oh, ‘Chemicals’ you say? Well

Lee deserves his tributes and to be mourned by fans...but an entire article about how he “created” Black Panther without mentioning JACK KIRBY once is pretty shitty.

Look, I admire Lee’s accomplishments. I also mourn his death as a fan. But that I just read a multi-paragraph article about how Lee “created” Black Panther without the name Jack Kirby appearing once is either ignorance or incompetence or a combination of both.

All this is great, but please include a simple mention of Kirby and Ditko when talking about creating characters. Lee didn’t do it by himself and may not have been able to do it without those other two (who were very much a part of your comics experience).

Yet another article completely glossing over Jack Kirby.

A Creator of Black Panther, Not one mention of Jack Kirby in the Article. 

I’m really tired of people forgetting that Jack Kirby was Lee’s partner and either created or co-created every major Marvel Comics character. Kirby was very, very, very, very much a part of the creation of the Black Panther. A number of Kirby historians in fact cite compelling evidence that Kirby alone created the

Well he is God’s collaborator...

So much for conservatives being the champions of diversity of thought.

When that old nightmare died I did a dance on a table.

The conflating pro choice with “pro abortion” irks me too.

“Wisconsin is the Arkansas of the Midwest, and Green Bay is its Hot Springs.”

Jesus, he was booked with a DUI at 7 in the morning? That’s one hell of a fucking bender.

+Lucille’s 4th least favorite child

“Yeah, like the guy in the $3,500 baseball tee is going to give you any actual in-game strategy. Come on!”

This is what happens when the gays won’t be your stylists/make up artists/designers/etc.... WE WARNED THEM THIS WOULD HAPPEN. lol

This was mine:

Papi is a national treasure

More like Dan Lib’Tard, amiritie?