Mark Furrer

I hope Kathleen has a secure garage to keep the car in, now that it’s restored.

at 73 she’s got no problems having 3 pedals

Does she also blow blue smoke first thing in the morning?

The Volkswagen company was founded postwar, and it helped enable Germany to become a peaceful, prosperous, democratic nation after the war.

I’m sure she’s already arranged for a team to take you to Pueblo, Mexico for the task.

I make a blogger’s salary

No, no, the ZERV is clearly a Cadillac, because reasons!

You ever work in a factory?

This is a ridiculous accusation, and yet entirely believable! I’m 100% here for it. 

Were they working off a phone description of the new 124?

Well yeah, But did you hear Yoko sing?

Probably right after we discuss how John Lennon was a serious domestic abuser accross multiple relationships.

Let’s see...

I’m pretty sure the CPO inspection on my GTI was the service manager asking the salesman who took it on trade “Did they drive it here?” and then checking all of the boxes.

Other than having a multi million dollar liability on their books, I don’t understand why Ford didn’t just create a 2 year lease with a buy option if they really wanted to keep people from selling.

Here, have David’s star.

Remember back when we could star an article? Those were good times. Nice article, David.

No, dealing with the Irish is the most stressful job on Earth

I’m not really seeing any fails here. I just read a writeup on an incident where ATC played the “a bunch of other plans flew through it just fine” card, and a lot of people died when a microburst whipped up.

Pilot saw something that made him uneasy, and didn’t fly through it. ATC kept him from hitting anybody.

I know someone who’s about that height and drives a Mazda3 hatch, and he even fits with his racing helmet on. There is still hope for your kind.