
I want to rate this episode higher for the sole reason that Sean, the most boring of a slew of boring boyfriends for Fiona (I prefer temp job guy from the Craiglist Murderer Lifetime movie), is hopefully gone forever. Fiona may actually grow from this. At least we can leave that damn diner behind.
(Also, Ian may be an

Marnie yapping her un-sob story all over Ray's hopeful face … Was basically the most Ray we've seen in weeks. Did they just forget about the rich character they created? Although the Marnie-centric episode wasn't too Marnie (so it was enjoyable), I would rather have an episode focusing on Ray's very real journey to

I'm glad Shoshana is coming home. I feel like her character has been in a fail-spiral, and living in Japan was a form of living in the spiral. What was the plan, Shosh? Your boyfriend thinks you're a virgin! So, no, there is not life on Mars for Shosh. But, I hope, there is life for her in New York. And hopefully,

I thought the exact same thing, except re: Asher in the "whitest boy ever" way, although his development this season makes him easily Michaela's best partner of the bunch. And no Laurel/Michaela. Laurel is pittance compared to Michaela.

I hope we get to learn more about Sam in the next season. His character effectively ended the first relationship between Eve and Annalise. He was Bonnie's therapist, helping her through what I assume is PTSD and intense anxiety. He somehow is pro-bono enough to be in a therapeutic capacity for Frank, though their

Eve? Remember? Next season in New York!

Nate is too perfect to be real. He makes me swoon while simultaneously profoundly confounding me. He wants to know Annalise…I want to know who in the hell HE is.

That would be a prudent move for her, career-wise. She would probably move to partner much faster than the average-Kim-abled female could. But if she does, I think it would compromise too much of what makes her compelling; she would be making the ultimate settlement.
A female in a predominately male profession is an

Fundamentally, the worldviews of Hannah and Fran are incompatible. Hannah wants creativity, intrigue, and exploration. Fran wants order, substance, and clarity. So, they're doomed. But we already knew that. Either it's Maile or Male; it can't be both.

Howard. I swear. He's in love with Kim. It makes sense given his animosity toward Jimmy since the start. Jimmy stole something from him - he being the gleaming embodiment of HHM. Clearly, Jimmy had a thing for Kim since the start. Given their interactions that we've been privy to, they probably weren't discreet about

I was actually thinking that Elijah's new boyfriend, being famous and loved, would get photographed in the coffee shop, so then the shop becomes super popular, obliterating Ray's money problems. Fresh off a divorce and wanting stability, Marnie decides she wants to date newly rich Ray, kinda like she did when Charlie

I wish Ray would be used less as a prop and more as a person. I miss Ray. He's not the sum of his coffee shop!

Out of all the characters, I think Carl has the most potential right now - in terms of a compelling story arc. His big, friendly giant disappeared and, accordingly, did Carl's facade of immortality. Considering I thought he'd be mutilating animals and burning houses down at this point, given his propensity toward

That doesn't change her character trajectory, especially in recent episodes, to devolve into a series of socio-cultural stereotypes. Her association with her culture is a plot device, and it feels contrived.

Laurel, oh, Laurel. se podria llenar una un libro con lo que no entiendes. (The lack of accent marks is almost as accurate as Laurel playing a "sassy latina.")
She is off the deep end. Out of all the Keating Five/Four/Oliver, she would have been the last one I thought would break. Now, she's candidata numera una.

I take my Vanessa Williams on a plate. On a date. On the fly. When I'm high.

That baby, whether it's Wes or not, is undeniably adorable. Hottest new character on the show. Second only to that foxy and seemingly incompetent male prosecutor. Swoon.

"I am Larry David." - Bernie Sanders
This was such an on-point episode. Che and Jost were the best they've been yet. l may have thought that Kevin Roberts was Will Ferrell… so well integrated. Maybe SNL should re-hire David to keep the show at this level for the rest of the political season; that's when SNL needs and

The ongoing "I have daddy issues" Jost angle is something I absolutely love. He and Che are growing stronger, STRONGER. They might actually be formidable once we get to the meat of the presidential race.
Political SNL is the best SNL.

I haven't been keeping a scorecard, but Frank leaving a desperate, lonely cancer patient - dead and alone after coercing her to smoke crack - by the train tracks seems to be the most inhuman and callously selfish thing he has done yet (aside from the causalities of Frank that are his own family). I really can't think