I think I would settle with anyone willing to knit me anything. And if you add a dead grandma on to that kitsch, consider me smitten.
I think I would settle with anyone willing to knit me anything. And if you add a dead grandma on to that kitsch, consider me smitten.
Meh, I want to converse with you regarding your opinions and to properly articulate my own, but I guess that would be tedious without a constant back and forth.
As you can tell from my post, I'm quite conflicted about Annalise, her influence, and her thing with Wes. I rambled and misstated things, but you brought out…
John Cusack bland as ever. As a huge Wilson fan and knowledgable of his story (to the extent that one can be given all the falsities in existence), I could not take Brian Wilson of the 80s to be as seemingly in control as he really was at the time. The range of emotional depth was shallow at best. Cusack is supposed…
More Nathan cartoons that illustrate his plans, please.
I absolutely hate those motorcyclists that subvert traffic jams. I would never want to BE that person. Perhaps Nathan's supposition that it's about trust is wrong. But a character willing to subvert societal norms as a manner of making money, his ability to jump and be that dick that makes fun, basically, of all of us…
I really thought it was going to be Laurel, strictly out of her desire to understand Frank at a deeper level. I was devastated to find out that Wes's entire trajectory in life was because Annalise is a terrible human. Think about it: she does something to accelerate his mother's death, forces him to become complicit…
I do like Terrance Howard and think he is a very capable actor that is typically denied substantive material. Although his character is named Lucius for a reason. He's not designed to be multi-dimensional. He's not designed to be vulnerable; or, he's not designed to show that side of his character.
And Oliver <3 I know how you feel about your computer. It's traumatizing for a nerd. Also, I do feel like the trauma he experienced is all but evident based on his facial expressions when the reveal that he's alive occurs. Perhaps he has dirty, classroom sex as a coping mechanism?
I'm pretty sure that the sex scene was just to introduce the murder weapon in a semi-logical way (and I'm obviously not talking about Bonnie here) while treading water so that nothing further about Catherine's plot can be revealed. And serving to further highlight Wes's loneliness without Rebecca.
Also, Caleb is REALLY…
Also amazing: people took the time out of their day to protest Trump hosting SNL. Their time would have been much better served doing anything else. Even going to Famiglia at 11 after getting drunk with NYU students.
Taco Bell has executives? I thought it was just a bunch of high teens experimenting in their kitchen.
I give it an A for the humor I derived from the episode's uncomfortably awkward vibe as a whole. I did actually like Stinky Fish. I laughed out loud. The tweet sketch, oh man, if I were Keenan Thompson, I would have been like "he just said something racist. That dude's a racist." The closest this episode came to…
I think Wes acts like a surrogate for someone else in Annalise's life that she did not do well by and is atoning through Wes. This surrogate attachment can also be seen in the relationship between Bonnie and Annalise.
Oliver is the most puppy-like adorable and pure character on the show. That he would get murdered by a serial killer while singing to himself is tré devastating. Oh Oliver!
I like how that fact has been moot since the first episode. Or that she's now the daughter of a cannibal, appropriate for the head of Lyon dynasty as a business content with consuming its own.
This is all a concussion. It's commentary on the current NFL Season. He's pressured to perform and torn between two sides, but he doesn't have time to properly recuperate. So, he'll shoot himself in the chest at the end after increasingly erratic behavior like sexcapades with Anika and trying to create the perfect…
But, Precious, you go get your Jesus Walks on.
Adam Rodriguez plays the same character in every show. I knew that he'd have shady backdealings as soon as he showed up. And then with the preview showing he and Cookie, it was inevitable. He was made to be a character women fall in love with, are betrayed by, and then disappear
DANK music this week though. I was jamming. I don't remember the plot, except perhaps this was a covert commentary on concussions with Hakeem?
I thought Mayor McDaniels was a lesbian…or preferred females. A husband? When did this happen?