Good thing Trump doesn't know Africa exists, eh?
Good thing Trump doesn't know Africa exists, eh?
That irreverence, that wit! I'd recognize it anywhere. Some charlatan has stolen a Ziggy and passed it off as his own. I can prove it. Quick Elaine, to my archives!
If anybody needs me, I'll be in the Angry Dome.
Fuck off, you're racist.
Did you not see my other reply before posting this?
The exports of Quebec are numerous in amount. One thing they export is outrage, or as First Nations people call it, "maize". Another famous Quebecer was "Rick Moranis." In conclusion, Quebec is a land of contrast. Thank you.
True, though I was just making a joke about the ridiculous words the alt-right uses.
Good point. People certainly have strong feelings about it.
I just found out that he's 84 years old! Now I'm worried he's going to be 2016'd.
Yes! Thank you!
How is it not living as a tranracial person to say that you are black, when "really" you are "half-black" or "half-white"? What if that same person chose to designate themselves as white? Would that be OK?
Didn't he say "Christian"?
Holy shitsnacks.
But why should anyone expect Jimmy Fallon to have Trump on his show in the first place?
We're just trying to have a good time, Narc! Why do you want to destroy us?
And I once ate a heaping bowl of salt.
However, you need to keep in mind that Satan is a power-bottom. You see, the power bottom is actually generating the power by doing most of the work.