Huh? Cucks can be sexist, racist pieces of shit as much as anyone else can be.
Huh? Cucks can be sexist, racist pieces of shit as much as anyone else can be.
But their existence doesn't make them a "widespread, catalogued phenomenon." The appearance of the term "transgender" and widespread knowledge of it due to modern communications technology, does.
OK, how is that wrong?
You are 100% full of shit. How is transracialism not a thing?
Transcracialism has been a thing for as long as trangenderism has been a thing. Not as widely known in modern Western culture, though.
Any time before the late 20th Century in Western cultures. It is something that has been consistently swept under the carpet and denied.
You're saying that being dumb is not normal? That doesn't add up.
What if you're a freelance cuck?
You know that there was a time when transgenderism wasn't a widespread, catalogued phenomenon, right? Everything has to start somewhere.
Probably not, though.
There's also the possibility that Zeke had planned to use his outing (whether by himself or others) as part of his story arc.
And it also seems to be a big thing in the transgender community to viciously oppose to the concept of transracialism.
Are you sure that's not a fight club you stumbled across?
Yeah, but what they're doing is externalizing their inefficiency for other people to deal with. So, it's not actual efficiency if they're offloading on others.
But doesn't that make them less than 100% efficient at their job, if they're bad at working with others, and negatively affecting them?
How can they both do their job 100% efficiently, but also "be a nightmare to work with"? Those things seem mutually exclusive.
Well, the "free market" is a flawed concept, and the way people are so easily fired in the US for non-work-related reasons, without due process, is a real problem.
Is the trophy a bronze snowflake?