
this sucks a dead bears cock.

I hope zakk Wylde beats this dudes ass sometime soon

I have to pee and I can't find my shoes!!

This makes me internally facepalm hard enough to punch a hole in my own consciousness.

Only now at 30 years old am i starting to appreciate the music of Limp Bizkit

Well i guess i made a bad choice by getting drunk in canada and getting "A7X" tattooed on my hand

he is in our hearts dude but that motherfucker will come back and kill all those assholes

this song grips my soul and touches me more then most any song I have ever heard. I love it so much that is the only song I have tattooed on me and its on my chest

that guy is a douche canoe.\\\

my mom got a wristband to Warped Tour bc she was a parent, so she got in for free - we overheard some guy getting one so she asked

I find this enjoyable because I went through an awkward ass phase.

i hav been rapping for over 13 year and hav won the chicago fresstyle raping championships for over 14 years. :))

people like lady gaga is killing the fucking rock idurstry and these new people who try to be rocker but really they are more hip hop with a guaiter i an t stand it and also fucking raper claiming they can become rockers that is bull shit fuck all rock must stick together and form a fucking allinece and take over

Btw, not all pop lusic is the kind of music that fuck

Id rather rip my nuts off and watch my dog eat them than listen to this shit

95% of new avenged sevenfold fans don't know how to speak English

my fucture is to start a band but i won't menchine the name cuz u might jack it so u will see me doing guitar up on the stage and say oh i know her she is 1 of my friends

that chick looks lik my math teacher

i was taking my math final & i was like woah thats like way sad i almost cried almost.