
I am 23 right now and I have loved this band for a long time!!! My bf and me have heard every singles song tht they have releast!! I have worn the Hoddie I got for years and it finally broke and for my Birthday my Bf got it for me and I got him the same hoodie and so we have the same hoddie!!
Thank you u made me

What a douche canoe this guy.\\\

A7X is too fucking cool for that stupid scene ass movie. Fuck that shit.

nothing says fuck the system more than a face tatOO :)

ur very attractive o.o?

This is mine and my boyfriends song… <3 :')?

This song makes me missing somebody. :')?

A little motivational wake the fuck up ass kicking go play in a golf tournament music :)

I will grab a guitar from synester gates when I ask him nicely and shove it up ur ass.

These are real people.
With real lives.
And real people actually listen to them.
Real people. Some with families. Let that sink in.

Ironic coming from a fat little brony.

congratulations nipple dick

I'd rather have my ears ripped off and stuck into my dickhole than listen to this fucking garbage.

if hell is eternity listening to Avenged Sevenfold I don't think I'll mind it so much.

If it's possible i think my mind and ears just came

He is the nicest badass ive ever seen

I want to make babbys with him [:

i have a penticale around my neck, its not an evil religous thing, it for those who beleave in god and think hes an asswhole like i do. thats why the satanist where it, to say that they hate god. for me, i hate both, i have a cross tat_too an my back to say i hate satan.

My teacher is 41 and he blasts Crown The Empire, Asking Alexandria and other awesome music in his car.

This charges my nipples.