
Im gonna get a tattoo of this on my ass.

Wow, he found a haircut worse than mullet

WHO THE FK CAN DISLIKE THIS I CAN THINK Of 3 I am not sure if I spell them correctly
1Hitler 2 sadam husen 3justin bieber

Wow look at these hipsters with their glasses and apple products

Metal is like apple. Everything is good but the core.

The fucking cd cover is fucking delicous!!!!

When it hits the chorus, my panties hit the ground so hard they go halfway to China

Emo isn't a style, its a life!!!

I guarantee that these guys have fucked each other

A7x drinking game: take a drink every time they resolve a riff with an A5 to A5/C#

seorosly this is his way of coming out with the truth oh and did you know hes agancet BULLING so shut the fuck up

The most boring constellation: Triangulum Australis. A profound lack of imagination - any 3 stars in the sky makes a triangle

I stumbled upon a Blood On The Dance Floor video and almost shit out both of my lungs

If he got ice cream on my nose we'd be having an ice cream war right there x3

I filmed that same explosion in my pants

Goth girls are no doubt the sexiest girls, Cannot see any though, I go to a prep school where we have to wear uniforms, fuck me right?

I tried seeing things from your point of view, But i couldnt get my head that far up my ass! A7X FOR LIFE

shut yo ass up why don't you just get a normal job rather than thinking your all gangsta cuz you have a gun and you in da military and shit

I can't even see one moshpit! Super tame crowd

This is why we're never going back to the moon.