
I always wondered why I listened to Dot Dot Curve and Brokencyde, then I rememberd how stupid I was.

people are too young to be getting pregnant but hellooo !
their doing it !

Everyone should have their mind blown once a day.

I bet this dude has sex the second he leaves the stage!

A7X is freakin awesome. Linkin Park sucks. They aren't even real musicians, anyone can play 3 chords. Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengance are light years ahead of those assclowns.

If an alien came to visit, I'd be embarrassed to tell them that we fight wars to pull fossil fuels out of the ground to run our transportation. They'd be like, 'What?'

Your mom does meth during a bukaki session surrounded by the members of Korn and Limp Bizkit.

if i had a band and we released a music video, we would have a taco bell eating scene

i aso wood love to see them come to canada?

thay ar bunh of ashole?

This person is a soschopath.

You don't have to be a Catholic or Christian to wear crosses you dickhead !'

* pls come to austria and rocks us our f***ing faces away .

It's a goddamn networking tool.

im pretty sure i just pissed myself laughing

< he is smexii and really HOTTTT omg i love him…he cn sing good 2 ….LOVE HIM…once agin.. ZACKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

wowo so good your perfom..when you come on indonesia again?
i lik it

I'd love to go to a protest and play this song. But of course I've got a 6 hour play list of The Beatles, Rage Against the Machine, Disturbed, Live, and other songs of revolution.

I wanna meet him and have a tea party xD jk but i really wanna meet him and just stuff :D

i love AVENGED SEVENFOLD each and everyone of them are much more than friends also they are even closer than much more than brothers and the music they make is made with so much passion it gives you happiness and joy and sometimes it gives you a tear in your eyes and the videos they make are so very life like and when