
Even when he's pissed, he still looks sexy as fuck xD. Unf.

my mom came in right when i was watching this and asked me why i can't just watch porn like all the other kids.

I remember Staind being on the radio all the time when I was a little kid. Nostalgia at its finest.

it sucks to be a if you me and my dad blast this in the car #GETTABETTERDAD

I bet this dude has sex the second he leaves the stage!

that sweater really brings out the sex in? her face c:

i unfortunately live in Canada in the suburbs where the most fun i have is walking to the local convenience store and buying a chocolate milk

you guys should come to Rapid City South Dakota.
or at least come to the sturgis bike rally cos i'd die if you did :]

a lot of people on here are cockasses

Finna fuck a ****** in the pit come Vegas warped tour. Y'all prepare yo assholes

some one help me i realy realy need to know were to buy the books i want they realy bad so help me tell me i can buy they thankz…

after years of practise i have actually managed to fap to this… exuse me while go cry in a corner.

oooo sexeh pplz lmao,funneh how thtz the first thing i say,kk i gotta say somethin…..
1.fix ur voice (nu offence sounds like..idk werid)
2.u haterz dnt hate,i like it
3.dnt giv up keep tryin,ull get better over time
4.i made a list? didnt i?lmao my bad >.>
5. make it better plz

I loved this band 5 years ago but now that I come back I realize how all their lyrics to their music are mostly about sex and getting drunk.

Do you realize that if you fall into a black hole, you will see the entire future of the Universe unfold in front of you in a matter of moments and you will emerge into another space-time created by the singularity of the black hole you just fell into?

something like the internet which really should be makign us smarter…. is actually dumbing us down… through the use of social networks creating a generation of overly self centered, inflated self worth narcissistic sheeple…

This is the internet, you don't have to sensor your swear words lol

y dose his gitar only hev 5 strins?

Omg my school plays Korn on the intercom! I'm in middle school.